Tag: noah hardwick

April 8, 2023

Best of 2022: Noah Hardwick

I’ve been sitting on this draft since January thinking eventually I’d get around to writing some short blurbs about each of my picks. But here we are in April and I still haven’t done it so I figure I might well go ahead and publish it as-is (especially now that Brandon has shared his list!). So here is, my best of 2022:… Continued →

November 27, 2022

20 Best Rock EPs of 2022 Ranked

A few weeks ago I appeared on the JFH Podcast to talk about my favorite EPs of 2022. In the process of preparing for the episode I listened to a lot of EPs and figured I might as well make the most of it and make it into a list. Rather than a single massive list though I decided to break it down by genre. So here’s part one of my favorite EPs of 2022: 20 rock EPs ranked. 20. November SkyOut of the Black I am really glad to see the members of Scarlett White moving forward with a new project.… Continued →

January 8, 2022

July 19, 2021

January 3, 2021

January 2, 2021


Best of 2020: Noah Hardwick (Part III)

Something I realized once I started breaking my top 100 albums and EPs of 2020 list down into four posts is that each post became a micro-list of its own. For example, I wasn’t really thinking too hard about what album I was going to rank 26th when there were 100 albums. But when I split the list up suddenly being ranked 26th seemed really important as it became the last album a reader will see in this post. The reverse proved be true as well, ranking an album 75th where it’s going to be first album a reader sees when they click my post became important too.… Continued →

January 1, 2021


Best of 2020: Noah Hardwick (Part II)

Some would say that putting together a year-end list of your top 100 albums and EPs is insane. And I agree. It’s one of the most ambitious things I’ve attempted since I started writing for IVM. So how did I do it exactly? Well I started out by putting together a list of all the albums and EPs I listened to during 2020—a feat in its own right. When I was done I had a list of about 300 releases which I then set out to rate on a scale of 1 to 10.… Continued →

December 31, 2020

December 31, 2018

Best of 2018: Noah Hardwick

1. Brooke Annibale – Hold to the Light Compiling a best of list for 2018 wasn’t easy. There were a lot of good releases this year but very few of them were great. Hold to the Light by Brooke Annibale is one those few though. In fact, Hold to the Light is so good it was the only album on this list I knew where to rank when I started. As you can see it is my album of the year for 2018. Why? Because it’s easily my most listened to album of the year.… Continued →

December 25, 2017

The Best of 2017: Noah Hardwick

1. Colony House “Only The Lonely” Only The Lonely really struck a cord with my personally. Every song on this album revolves around our need for each other–a message I sorely need to hear. Thankfully, this record rocks and got spun a lot in 2017. 2. Knox Hamilton “The Heights” Named after a neighborhood in Little Rock, Arkansas, The Heights is most most played album of 2017. Maybe I’m a little bias because Knox Hamilton is from my hometown. Or maybe the album is just that good.… Continued →

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