Tag: post hardcore

July 14, 2023

May 17, 2023

Names Without Numbers "Winter Wars" May 19th

Names Without Numbers are releasing another new song and this one is titled “Winter Wars”. Song drops this Friday May 19th on all digital networks and streaming sites. Is there a reason you haven’t listening to NWN yet? Yeah I’m talking to you, the person reading this post right now. Drop what you’re doing and head over to your favorite streaming network or youtube and give these songs by one of our scene’s best kept secrets, a listen right now! “Winter Wars” out this Friday.… Continued →

March 29, 2023

Fallstar - Timebender & The Jet Engine (Official Music Video)

Fallstar has dropped 2 new songs in the past couple weeks and they rule. The latest song titled “Timebender & The Jet Engine” has a music video tied to it and once you watch it, the song becomes the video and vice versa. Go check it out below this message and watch some great Godzilla stomping metal(core) action. New album “Sacred Mirrors” out July 14th on Facedown Records.… Continued →

March 22, 2023

Indie Vision Music x Tooth and Nail Records - I'm Your Biggest Fan 2 (21 Years Ago)

A word document popped up in my Dropbox while I was searching for old files. It showed that the tentative line up for the “I’m Your Biggest Fan 2” compilation that I assembled for Tooth & Nail Records on March 11th 2002, 21 years ago. A couple bands had to be swapped for a couple reasons but the final lineup is pretty close to what I had planned out. I have created a little collage video with a couple song samples from the compilation through YouTube which you can view below.… Continued →

March 21, 2023

Stavesacre in the Studio

After browsing social media for a very important rock band that our scene has been blessed with, a legacy artist if you will, Stavesacre will return soon with new music (I hope). I think the band posting in studio pics is enough confirmation of new music, right? What is your favorite Stavesacre album/ep? SO MANY GOOD SONGS…28 years later… Continued →

December 12, 2022

Blindside Silence Gets Vinyl Treatment and We Dropped the Ball

In other sad news today, I must report that we are so incredibly late in posting news about the Blindside “Silence” vinyl that the band posted about a couple weeks back and it looks like the only option left is black vinyl. It’ll sound amazing regardless but the other colors are also killer. I’m very rude because I must admit I took part in splurging on this when it went up and unfortunately I lost complete track of time with the IVM news cycle. I’m sorry friends.… Continued →

November 25, 2022

October 31, 2022

September 10, 2022

Saint Valleta (The Beautiful Mistake, Stranger Kings) - Scars (New Song)

Saint Valleta which is the new project from Josh H. of The Beautiful Mistake and Stranger Kings (among many other bands and projects), has just released a new song titled “Scars”. It follows up that post-hardcore/emo/rock sound perfectly and is not only a trip through nostalgia but a modern take on rock n roll with a moody introspective vibe. Like Thursday meets Glassjaw, Anberlin, and Armor For Sleep. Check out “Scars”, below and make sure to add to your playlists.… Continued →

August 25, 2022

June 24, 2022

The Ongoing Concept, Fallstar, The Undertaking!, and Meadows Fall 2022 Tour

A very special Solid State Records / Facedown Records mashup, mixtape in the form of a tour is taking place this fall. The bands – The Ongoing Concept, Fallstar, The Undertaking!, and Meadows, will all be playing together for a few dates this fall. This will be the first time The Ongoing Concept is touring in over 6 years!. The Ongoing Concept, Fallstar, and The Undertaking! will all have new music out in 2023 via their respective labels. Check out the dates and tour graphic, below.… Continued →

May 31, 2022

Nodes of Ranvier with Names Without Numbers August 12th

Nodes of Ranvier are making their return this year and in a big way. They have a special show on August 12th coming up and features openers like Names Without Numbers, Everything In Slow Motion, Stronghold, and more.. Click here for the event page on Facebook. Also click below for the embed. Names Without Numbers recently released the song “You Do The Talking” and it is strongly recommended by Indie Vision Music. More news on the Nodes Of Ranvier reunion shows this year, coming soon.… Continued →

May 10, 2022

Emery (Re)Join Tooth & Nail Records, To Release New Album and "Labeled Tour"

Emery have rejoined the Tooth & Nail Records family of artists and will release their new album “Rub Some Dirt On It” which will release on June 24th. The band has also announced a special “Labeled Fest Tour” for 2022 featuring Emery, Norma Jean, Oh Sleeper, Watashi Wa, Salt Creek, Idle Threat, and Aaron Gillespie (playing ‘Southern Weather’). For dates and times, click below. You can also find more info about the tour at the official website right here.… Continued →

April 8, 2022

Song of the Day: Altars - Eternity

This hardcore band hailed from Colorado Springs. They infused their heavy chugga chugga rhythms with melodic parts without ever getting whiny. This led some fans and writers to dub them post-hardcore, which isn’t fully accurate, but I can see why they said that. What strikes me about this song is the passion behind both the music and the clear-cutting lyrics: Where is the hope? Where is the love? Without these your system will self-destruct While it might seem that the song was aimed at society in general, it is actually pointed at the failures of the Church to stay true to the pure message of the Gospel.… Continued →

April 3, 2022

Islander - Skin Crawl feat. Korn, ZAO, Living Sacrifice (Official Lyric Video)

This absolutely insane new song from the band Islander featuring a line up that’ll make you drool over, just hit in lyric video form. Not only that but the entire new Islander album released on Friday to much surprise and it hits HARD. Check out the song “Skin Crawl” featuring Brian Head Welch of Korn, Dan from ZAO, and Bruce from Living Sacrifice on really heavy new song that mixes a combination of genres and styles into a chaotic yet somehow melodic, set of songs. Islander “It’s Not Easy Being Human” is out now on all digital networks.… Continued →

March 25, 2022

Dismissed Take The Good With The Bad for 19 Years

It’s hard to believe that 19 years have passed since a young 24 year old Brandon connected with a band of youngsters that nobody outside of our very small small population of Orange/San Diego counties had heard. I remember eating some tasty tex-mex food at Chevy’s (remember that place?) here in Laguna Niguel, CA. back in early 2003 and through the talking noise of fellow patrons with full bellies of perfectly formed machine made tortillas, I discussed the future of IVM and a band, Dismissed. It changed my life, quite literally.… Continued →

March 14, 2022

Names Without Numbers - You Do The Talking (Lyric Video)

Names Without Numbers return with their first NEW song of 2022. The song is titled “You Do The Talking” and it deals with issues of self doubt, social anxiety, and maintaining confidence while attempting to stay strong and dealing through the emotions. It’s a powerful track not just for subject matter but also because the music is some of the best out there. This is without a doubt one of the band’s strongest songs on record and one of my personal favorites. Check out “You Do The Talking” below.… Continued →

Wolves At The Gate Drop New Album "Eulogies"

I am playing catch up this morning for all the news I missed the past few days. Please be patient 😉 Wolves At The Gate just dropped an incredibly powerful and deeply moving new album titled “Eulogies”, on Friday. The album is a signal, a beacon of sorts to call upon fans and friends to join in unison, sharing love among the hopeless. It comes at a perfect time for our broken and very much, hurting world. We are broken, we are wounded, and while it might seem like some of us are out of “hope”, there is an answer and a truth for our brokenness.… Continued →

February 27, 2022

Secret and Whisper Reunites and Begin Work on New Music

Secret and Whisper recent emerged from Retirement (hiatus) and have been teasing fans on Instagram about new music they are working on. Don’t believe me? Head over to their Instagram account for proof. Just type in @secretandwhisperofficial in your handle little mobile instagram search box to see. Don’t have Instagram or Facebook, then just look below for a classic music video. As soon as there are more links, we will share them. A very underrated gem of Tooth & Nail past.… Continued →

February 18, 2022

January 24, 2022

Wolves At The Gate - Lights & Fire (Official Music Video)

How awesome is Wolves At The Gate? I mean seriously, this band has released 4 full lengths (with 1 on the way), 3 EPs, and 1 Covers Ep plus stuff they may have done independently, all the while slipping under most people’s radars. I absolutely love this band and think their powerful music is worthy of repeat listens as well as all the fanfare coming their way. Make sure to watch the music video for the incredible new song “Lights & Fire” below and check out the new album “Eulogies” out March 11th on Solid State Records.… Continued →

December 11, 2021

December 10, 2021

Song of the Day: Blindside - Nerve

I remember when I first heard this song. It was on the Tooth & Nail Songs from the Penalty Box compilation, amidst other songs ranging from pop-punk to hardcore and everything in-between. But Blindside was hard to peg. It was heavy and raw, and kind of hardcore, but not really. There was a mild rap influence in the delivery, but it wasn’t really rapcore either. Post-hardcore hadn’t really occurred to me as a category yet. The band put the song on their debut, self-titled, full-length album and a year later released a second–both albums on Tooth & Nail/Solid State.… Continued →

November 17, 2021

November 16, 2021

Spoken in Tongues Release "Ghosts" Ep

A really great newer indie rock band by the name of Spoken in Tongues have just dropped their brand new Covers ep titled “Ghosts” through bandcamp/digital networks. You can download the EP right here at Bandcamp. Spoken in Tongues are an impressive indie band rooted in everything from 80’s new wave, and 90’s underground indie music with post hardcore tendencies. It’s a diverse set of sounds and if you know the players on this release, you’ll understand instantly just why it is that they stand apart from the rest.… Continued →

November 13, 2021

October 18, 2021

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