Tag: Rad Science

November 11, 2019

Eleventyseven Launch Kickstarter for New Album, Already Funded!

In case you were living in the dark, the band Eleventyseven have been putting out quite a few independent releases the past couple of years all of which are awesome in their own right. Well the band is back with a followup to Rad Science, a brand new record titled “Basic Glitches” which will see release on January 17th. The band launched a kickstarter recently and have already reached full funding status in just a couple of days. Congrats to the band and many some a few of us really enjoy your music and look forward to what you put out in the future.… Continued →

November 12, 2017

October 28, 2017

Eleventyseven - Holding Out (Song Stream)

Check out this candy coated ear drum teasing new synth-pop-punk single from those crazy dancing unicorns in disguise, Eleventyseven. The band’s new album “Rad Science” officially releases 11-7-17. More news and witty adjectives to describe my complete and utter infatuation with the music of Eleventyseven, to follow upon careful inspection of “Rad Science” myself. Oh and if you forgot to buy this album drop what you’re doing right now and click here to purchase items in the band’s official webstore.… Continued →

September 11, 2017

August 29, 2017

Eleventyseven to Release a RAD Album in November, Kickstarter Campaign Now Launched

Electro-pop-punk band, Eleventyseven, are releasing their first new full length in almost 7 years and it will be titled….wait for it….RAD SCIENCE! Get ready for an absolute ear hole explosion of pure joy and unrelenting melodies sure to make a fan out of out anyone including even the grumpiest of family members. The group have launched their new kickstarter campaign to fund the release of this RAD album right here. So jump on the chance to contribute to this outrageously cool, out of this world RAD campaign and let’s get Eleventyseven music back in people’s hearts!… Continued →

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