Tag: Rancid

December 11, 2023

Best of 2023: Rob Jensen

1. Lacey Sturm – Kenotic Metanoia: This November Lacey Sturm released her first album in nearly 8 years. To say it was worth the wait is an understatement. If it’s going to take 8 years to release a new album, this is the caliber release you want to shoot for. Lacey sounds as good as ever and has dropped an exceptional album here. It easily outshines her previous release, Life Screams, and is, in my opinion, her best work to date, including her material with Flyleaf.… Continued →

December 25, 2017

Best of 2017: Rob Jensen

2017 was a pretty decent year for music! Between finding newer bands, the resurgence of others from years of inaction, and great albums from bands we’ve come to love and depend on for great music, it was pretty tough to be disappointed. Below, are the 20 albums that I consider to be the year’s best. If there are bands there you haven’t heard of, I hope you check them out, you never know…maybe one of them would’ve made your top spot. And please, drop a line in the comments and let me know your thoughts!… Continued →

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