Tag: Review

March 12, 2009

March 11, 2009

January 28, 2009

January 26, 2009

REVIEW : Theocracy - Mirror Of Souls

Album: Mirror of Souls Label: Ulterium Records Reviewer: Stephen M When Brandon asked me to review Theocracy I was sceptical, and for good reason too. Theocracy is a band in a genre I have yet to discover. Epic, melodic Power Metal with occasional progressive flourishes is what Theocracy is classified as. I have never really listened to any metal bands before, like Dragonforce, which I am told are similar, so this “metal” sound is new to me and in some ways redefines it for me. Normally what I call progressive metal music sounds like Becoming The Archetype.… Continued →

January 21, 2009

REVIEW : A Hope For Home - The Everlasting Man

Artist: A Hope For Home Album: The Everlasting Man Label: Strike First Records Reviewer: Stephen M 01. The Covenant (2:11) 02. Iniquity: An Offering (3:53) 03. Affliction: The Witness, The Advocate (4:31) 04. Infidelity: Kingdom’s End (3:15) 05. The Exile (2:33) 06. Babylon: The Insatiable Thirst (6:08) 07. Absolution: Of Flight And Failure (6:28) 08. Masada: The Spiral Staircase (6:13) 09. Restoration: The Return From Exile (6:50) 10. Redemption: A Grief Observed (5:27) 11. The Thousand Years (1:18) I had no idea what to expect with the newest CD from A Hope For Home entitled The Everlasting Man, but what I found surprised me.… Continued →

January 20, 2009

REVIEW : The Glorious Unseen - Cries Of The Broken

Artist: The Glorious Unseen Album: Cries of the Broken Label: Tooth and Nail/Bec Recordings Reviewer: Stephen M My first time hearing about The Glorious Unseen was about eight months ago when I was doing my daily check of new music right here on IVM. From the first time I heard Ben’s voice I knew I was going to like them a lot. I have been one of those kinds of guys who has listened to Hardcore/Metal music his whole life and have never been a big fan of worship music.… Continued →

January 17, 2009

REVIEW : Becoming The Archetype - Dichotomy

Band: Becoming the Archetype Album: Dichotomy Label: Solid State Records Review by: Stephen M To begin, I would like to note that I do not claim to be an objective, professional music critic or anything of that sort. I am one who enjoys listening to music. Any reviews by me are merely my opinion on an album and are not intended to be taken as the product of a well-educated aficionado. I apologize for any out-of-hand generalizations or music prejudices. Any criticism and comments are welcome (and much needed).… Continued →

November 20, 2008

REVIEW : Curbsquirrels - We Wish We Knew How To Quit This

Artist: Curbsquirrels Album: We Wish We Knew How To Quit This Reviewer: Tyler Hess A few years ago, there were two relatively unknown bands that came together to produce a split CD called “Composition” on the now defunct “DUG Records” Label. One of them, Last Tuesday, went on to sign with Mono Vs Stereo and record two great albums before calling it quits in early 2007, while the other faded into relative obscurity. That other band was the Curbsquirrels, whom I tried on various occasions to track down over the past couple of years, to no avail.… Continued →

REVIEW : Hazel and Vine - All Together Now

Artist: Hazel and Vine Album: All Together Now Label: Ethos Records Reviewer: Tyler Hess It is time, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, for me to make a blazingly rare outlandishly stupendous statement: This is the worst music I’ve ever enjoyed so much. There. I said it. I had never heard a song from Hazel and Vine before listening to this live show CD, but it didn’t take me very long to realize that this was indie pop rock with vocals that go out of key way too often, music that is pretty simple and lyrics that are at times a bit too immature, creating a sound that is almost impossible to not enjoy.… Continued →

October 6, 2008

REVIEW : Relient K - The Birds and The Bee Sides / The Nashville Tennis EP

Artist: Relient K Album: The Nashville Tennis EP and The Bird And The Bee Sides Release Date: 7/1/2008 Label: Gotee Records Reviewer: Tyler Hess The Nashville Tennis EP 1. Where Do I Go From Here 2. The Scene And Herd 3. At Least We Made It This Far 4. The Last, The Lost, The Least 5. The Lining Is Silver 6. There Was No Thief 7. No Reaction 8. Curl Up And Die 9. You’ll Always Be My Best Friend 10. There Was Another Time In My Life 11.… Continued →

October 4, 2008

REVIEW : One Hot Minute - the story so far

Artist: One Hot Minute album: the story so far Release date: 7/25/2008 Reviewer: Tyler Hess The title to this album sums up this album pretty well, as it seems like these guys do have a story to tell, but they could use a little bit more life to draw the story for us.  One Hot Minute is a pop rock band with a lot of potential, but need time and work to improve if they are looking to get on a label.  Don’t get me wrong, they have some enjoyable songs, but in limited amounts. … Continued →

October 2, 2008

REVIEW : The Classic Crime - The Silver Cord

Artist: The Classic Crime Album: The Silver Cord Label: Tooth & Nail Release Date: 7/22/2008 Review By: Tyler Hess
  1. The End
  2. Just A Man
  3. Grave Digging
  4. The Way That You Are
  5. 5805
  6. Salt In The Snow
  7. Abracadavers
  8. RandR
  9. God and Drugs
  10. Medisin
  11. The Ascent
  12. Sing
  13. Everything
  14. Closer Than We Think
  15. The Beginning
Have you ever gone a couple years without seeing a friend or family member? Suddenly, they are back in your life, yet they have matured. You recognize them, but they have grown up. Some like to decide to get all tattooed and pierced and change their clothes and the way they talk, while others are basically just a more developed version of themselves.… Continued →

September 30, 2008

REVIEW : Jonezetta - Cruel To Be Young

Artist: Jonezetta Album: Cruel To Be Young Label: Tooth & Nail Release Date: 9/16/2008 Review By: Tyler Hess “Cruel To Be Young”, Jonezetta’s follow up to “Popularity”, has been a much discussed album around the webzines, as everyone seems to be unsure what to do with this album, but I am here to assure you of one thing: this is going to be way underrated.  They had to know this.  Having introduced themselves two years ago, they now mature their sound, slow down the tempo a bit, yet deliver great music, just without the poppy, catchy choruses that many of us grew fond of from their previous effort.
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