Tag: sinai beach

July 20, 2017

January 24, 2017

Facedown Records Announces Facedown Fest 2017 Lineup

Facedown Records has just announced the lineup for Facedown Fest 2017. The festival has hosted many bands that were signed to other labels or the subsidiary Strike First Records, including Clear Convictions (Strike First), Comrades (ex-Blood and Ink), Bloody Sunday (Strike First) and several others. This year is the 20th anniversary of the label so they have had many of their prominent acts come join in or even reunite. The label is also hosting the Fest for 3 days, which is very abnormal as it is usually a one day event.… Continued →

December 17, 2016

5 Christian Metal/Hardcore Bands That You May Not Have Heard Of

These are some bands that were sort of popular, but didn’t get very far. Hopefully this sheds some light to the underground SFHC Scene or more appropriately, SFMC Scene. 5. One Way/Raid Christian metalcore/hardcore One Way formed in… I don’t know when. The 80’s. The band did not have very much success or really any publications. Other than one in HM in 1991. But Raid, their next band, had a little more success. Same genre as One Way, but with a Straight-Edge message, alongside the uplifting Christian message.… Continued →

November 5, 2012

Immersed by Sinai Beach

7 Incredibly Energetic Metal and Hardcore Albums You Need to Hear Before You Die

Energy is something that is extremely hard to gauge on a music album. Energy is the tone and excitement portrayed by the musicians. It’s the passion you hear in the sound. But how does one contain the energy of The Chariot and put that into an album? If you’ve ever seen them live, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Or Emery. They know energy. Ever notice the first track on any of their albums is one of their heaviest or hardest songs? Mainstream music production tends to suck the energy right out of music.… Continued →

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