Tag: slipknot

January 4, 2020

Best of 2019: Rob Jensen

2019 had a number of great releases. Check out my favorites below and see what you think. Agree with any of my picks? Give a listen to the ones you are unfamiliar with, you never know, maybe you’ll find something new to listen to!   1.    Slipknot – We Are Not Your Kind. Slipknot returned with their first album in 5 years this past August and based on reactions from fans and critics alike, WANYK has cemented itself as, arguably, one of their best releases to date.… Continued →

January 30, 2019

Most Anticipated Releases of 2019: Rob Jensen

So, 2018 is behind us, another year on the books. After having put together a list of my favorite releases for the year, I decided to try going in the opposite direction and form a list of the albums I’m anticipating most in the coming year. Now, a bit of a heads up before we dig in; I am almost certainly missing some albums here. Some may have escaped my attention, and I’m sure there are more to be announced yet as well. All mentioned below I’m sure are coming this year, but a specific date has yet to be given.… Continued →

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