Tag: song of the day

February 10, 2023

Song of the Day: Dr. Onionskin - FJR

Dr. Onionskin has a long and somewhat interesting history. Born Shane Ries, he had a brief career in the 80s in mod and power pop bands (a fact I only recently discovered), but first came into CCM prominence with the oddly effective project Hymn Jim’s Gospel Gems (1995), which fused traditional hymns with dance music. He re-branded a year later as Dr. Onionskin and changed styles to acid jazz, releasing the quirky, instrumental and semi-brilliant Split Pea Soup. Then in 1996 he changed styles again, though still building on jazz-electronica fusions, and emerged with Bully and oh my gosh, what a record!… Continued →

February 8, 2023

February 6, 2023

February 4, 2023

Song of the Day: The Forerunner - Constant Battle

Love this song. So heavy & so meaningful. The band goes by just Forerunner now & I play them on my Ripper Radio show. Check out these lyrics. Why do I always give in, turn to the things that torment my soul, when will I finally submit, and give You all I am, Lord break me and rip these chains that always hold me down, tears from my eyes as I can’t resist, I am once again, once again, being taken away in the wrong direction, Lord take me away from this bondage, from this bondage, I don’t want to be a slave to this world, I want to run away from the pain but I can’t, I do not need you, I do not need you any more, I need to stand my ground, and look you in the face, I need to stand my ground, and put you in your place, I need to stand my ground, my King is here, and look you in the face, He lives in me, I need to stand my ground, whom shall I fear, and put you in your place, my King is here as I point to my chest, He is alive in me, no more will I succumb to darkness I am set free, my chains are broken, I am set free, because my Savior went to the cross and died for me [x2], I am released from this bondage, and the enemy tried to bury me, but I won’t, I won’t, back down, and I will look him in the face, no, you weren’t from the bottom, you were sent from Hell, you sent to bring me down [x2] and now I send you back to hell.… Continued →

February 3, 2023

Song of the Day: 3 Car Pile-Up - Dweeb

90s alternative. People either love it or hate it. Despite the excesses of the genre, or the just plain slackness of it, I still love it. 3 Car Pile-Up was never going to win any awards for their musical contributions–unless it was maybe the high school talent show. Their one and only album is raw, somewhat sloppy, and even kind of juvenile in its approach to both music and lyrics. However, that is exactly what I love about it. If you can’t relate to the lyrics of “Dweeb” then I’m not sure you actually lived through American Christianity in the 80s/90s: When I was in grade school, my friends made fun of me They used to call me stupid names, like “Jesus Boy” or “Freak” But I knew come Sunday, that I’d be number one ‘Cuz I knew all my verses, and I would get some gum I’m a dweeb!Continued →

February 1, 2023

January 30, 2023

January 28, 2023

Song of the Day: Double M - Three Sixteen

This will be confusing, but appears there are 2 Christian rappers that call themselves Double M. One is an Egyptian that you can find more about on Reverbnation & this one that has done a few songs I have enjoyed over the years. This one came out circa early 2000s & is really hard to find much about him. Appears he made 3 LPs in his run. I have always loved this song’s lyrics so listen closely.  
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January 25, 2023

January 23, 2023

Song of the Day: Christafari - Listening

Welcome to the song that brought me a lifetime love for Christian Reggae. The band has been around since the mid 90s & still releases music almost every year. They have done a few worship albums & even some kid stuff! This is an example of a band that I label in the ministering category of “Christian” music as they are unabashed about the Gospel. From their LastFM site The name is pronounced CHRIST-AH-FAR-EYE, in Greek, the original language of the New Testament, Christafari is the name given to “a group of people who collectively represent Christ.”… Continued →

January 21, 2023

Song of the Day: Virgin Black - Drink The Midnight Hymn

Back in my military years I ran into a Christian family who was into goth music. The daughter introduced me to this band whom I have followed ever since. Check out all their stuff as you will not be disappointed if you’re into the doomy symphonic sub genres of goth. Also, check out a bad audio, but live version of another of theirs. Sombre Romantic is one of my fave albums of all time.
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January 20, 2023

Song of the Day: Geoff Mann - Hope Hospital

Geoff Mann was a fairly well-known prog rock artist in the UK, but unfortunately his renown didn’t quite make it across the Atlantic. Having been the vocalist in an early incarnation of famed UK prog rock band Twelfth Night, he effectively left the band when they moved to London and he decided to remain in Manchester. Sometime in the early 80s, Geoff became a Christian through a “deep and lasting Christian conversion” (for more info, check out this article). At this point Geoff begins making very creative, even experimental prog rock.… Continued →

January 14, 2023

January 13, 2023

Song of the Day: Pantokrator - The Order of Melchisedec

This Swedish death metal band formed in 1996, and has been active ever since. They immediately began recording cassette demos, initially focusing on traditional death metal and morphing over time into more a melodic and progressive take on the genre. Of course, Sweden is known for its melodeath sound, centered in Gothenburg, but Pantokrator are from the opposite side of the southern peninsula. Lyrically the band tend to feature songs about biblical mysteries, not your typical Christian metal fare. Rather than topics of salvation and judgment, they tell stories about obscure characters like the Nephilim, the legendary and quasi-biblical Lilith, and Melchisedec, featured here.… Continued →

January 11, 2023

Song of the Day: Bloodlines - Spiritual Warfare

Texan Bloodlines is a cross between metalcore/deathcore/djent. They have even tapped into the Mainstream with Colder. Anyways, my son & I like this song & it was my ringtone for about 6 months. Also check out the lyrics. I’m giving in, giving in once again Cause I can’t keep up I’m caving in to my sins and I feel like I’ve lost all hope I keep on fighting this war Thatdoesn’t seem to end And now I’m broken inside I think I’ve lost my mind When does it end, when does it end?… Continued →

January 9, 2023

Song of the Day: Let the Day Perish - My Dark Sky vs Invisible Wounds

Let the Day Perish is an awesome up & coming metalcore band from the Chesapeake Virginia area. I moved down here about a month ago now & actually attend the church guitarist Juan attends. Their name comes from KJV Job 3:3 “Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said., There is a man child conceived.” The band is comprised of 3 military veterans & resonates with me as I spent almost 8 years in. Check out their Bandcamp where the lyrics for both hard hitting songs are housed.… Continued →

January 7, 2023

January 6, 2023

Song of the Day: Coolidge - Trapped

The best way I can describe Coolidge is as a sort of ‘prequel supergroup.’ All of the members are now well-known for their contributions to indie rock, though none of them were very well-known at the time, and Coolidge remains a fairly obscure blip on the map of alternative music. Formed in 1992, the band featured Damien Jurado on bass and vocals, David Bazan (Pedro the Lion, Headphones, Lo Tom) on drums, and Eben Haase (Blenderhead, Don’t Know) on guitar. They played an intense and unique form of emo-core that interweaved lo-fi indie rock into the mix.… Continued →

January 4, 2023

January 2, 2023

December 31, 2022

Song of the Day: Larue - Tonight

I have dug this song from when I first heard it when it came out. The 2 piece is a brother & sister duo that primarily did pop rock that explored CCM radio back in the early 2000s. They were in their mid teens when they started. The band resonates with me also as both were homeschooled just like me. Both pursued soloist careers after they released 3 LPs together. Check out these lyrics. & hope y’all have a great safe New Years! It’s a beautiful pain When Your grace shines and touches my face I know Your love I’ve heard it sung a thousand times before But still I cry for more Surrender to my Lord And tonight and the rest of my life I want to live for You Still I cry for You
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December 30, 2022

Song of the Day: Haven - The Calling

Haven was a heavy metal/power metal band from New Jersey active in the late 80s and early 90s. The band released two stellar full-length albums for R.E.X. and a third independent release that moved away from heavy metal into hard rock and alternative territory. Fans were often divided on Haven, particularly over the vocals. They were kind of a love ’em or hate ’em thing. Personally, I really enjoyed the unique style. There were enough similarities to Geoff Tate (Queensryche), Mike Lee (Barren Cross), or Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden) to draw comparisons, and yet there was a roughness to the high-pitched vocals that made them stand out.… Continued →

December 28, 2022

Song of the Day: Thrice - Black Honey vs Image of the Invisible

So this band reminds me of Memphis May Fire. Yeah, I saw them around, but never listened as they never landed on anything Christian related that I saw. Until maybe 10 years ago for both bands. Thrice is very well known obviously so I started to listen to their back discogs. They got some great stuff & this is my face from them, but please check out their other stuff. And yes, their songs are in the mainstream. Also, Check out their vocalists Dustin’s solo stuff
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December 26, 2022

December 24, 2022

December 23, 2022

Song of the Day: Half-Handed Cloud - Christmas Baby's Last Straw

Honestly I think this is a song that only Half-Handed Cloud could write. Aside from the ever-present pop bliss is a song about a baby trying to reach shiny Christmas ornaments that are out of reach, and yet so desirable. But Ringhofer makes a point that only he could make, about humanity’s incessant need to grasp for shining things that are always slightly out of reach and that we really don’t need after all. Merry Christmas IVM friends–may you find the true joy of Christmas this year–the baby in the manger!… Continued →

December 21, 2022

December 19, 2022

December 17, 2022

December 16, 2022

Song of the Day: Walk on Water - Time

This brilliant synth-pop band hailed from Sweden. They released one fantastic album in 1989, that hit the States the next year, then disappeared until 1994 when they re-surfaced–though just barely–with a Swedish-language album, that didn’t make much of an impact outside of their homeland. Their debut, the nearly-eponymous W.O.W., was beautiful, but sadly never got the attention it deserved. Recorded primarily in the synth-pop style, it also had hints of Europop and new wave. In short, it was too alternative to be mainstream pop or CCM, and too poppy to appeal to fans of alternative rock.… Continued →

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