Tag: song of the day

December 14, 2022

Song of the Day: Kingsdown - In Elegance and Rescue

This Arkansas band was a fave of mine when their The Scenario We Know So Well EP released. Prior songs from their Moments to Monuments were on my radar but this EP blew me away. They reeased a S/T LP that tbh I didn’t really care for which is I am guessing they went from the emoish modern rock sound to a rock n roll band.  Anyways hope y’all like it & here are some lyrics. I was lost at sea And your gentle touch rescued me You said you would stay but I was walking away I heard your voice say come to me It’s Our Time I feel so free tonight
   … Continued →

December 12, 2022

December 10, 2022

December 9, 2022

Song of the Day: Embraced - Hold My Hand

Embraced was a short-lived hardcore band from Florida, active in the early 2000s. I was able to catch the band live a couple of times at local gigs and mini-festivals, and enjoyed their shows. I always liked their semi-melodic take on hardcore (I mean, they were from Florida, after all!) They were clearly playing HC, but with hints of emo and indie rock at times. Perhaps in a similar vein to Bloodshed, Beloved, and Underoath, but with their own take on it. The band only released one mini-album, the 7-song An Orchestrated Failure, in 2002 for Theory 8 Records (who also an album by The Goodbye Letter and an early split with Copeland and Pacifico, among others).… Continued →

December 7, 2022

December 5, 2022

December 3, 2022

Song of the Day: EveReady - Live Completely

I apologize in advance, but here is a very obscure band that I found through an old Christian online radio station playlist. Wish I had more, but from what I gather their only other song was called For What’s It’s Worth. This song is pretty catchy imho. Maybe someone someday reading this will know more about them than I do. I don’t even know if their name is spelled right.  
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December 2, 2022

Song of the Day: Olivia the Band - Stars and Stripes

I’ve never been a huge fan of pop-punk–just dabbled here and there–but darn it all if this isn’t a catchy tune! I popped this into the car CD player earlier this week, having not listened to it in years, and that opening tune was so ridiculously familiar! I think I must have heard it on a compilation somewhere too for me to remember it so well. Anyway, Olivia the Band was originally from Hawaii, but eventually relocated to San Diego. They released their self-titled debut in 2005 on Essential Records.… Continued →

November 30, 2022

November 28, 2022

November 26, 2022

Song of the Day: Rock N Worship Circus - Gift of Cool

This band formed from a church worship band. They were one of the first modern rock worship bands I think. They had a tight modern rock sound & had songs on Christian edgier radio stations including Ride, Undiscovered. They have since changed their name to The Listening. Gabe Wilson has worked with many musical endeavors over the years also. These lyrics are awesome! I remember the day When the love of God landed in our town He took all the silent and broken hearts And fixed them up and gave them a sound He had almost every different kind of kid From every different kind of social background Taking all the cool they had and praising God As He spun them around, it’s when God came to town And the people in our churches, they were constantly amazed At the kids kneeling at the altar with their different fashion flavors You had squares and preps and skater punks, Goths and techno-ravers And the tattooed kids with the colored hair And they were all getting saved You think the sixties had good vibrations?… Continued →

November 25, 2022

Song of the Day: Disciples of Christ (D.O.C.) - Deeper

Rap music in the early 90s was making huge breakthroughs into both mainstream pop music and Gospel music, all the while splintering into dozens of subgenres: gangsta rap, new jack swing, Miami bass, among the most prominent. Tulsa locals D.O.C., AKA Disciples of Christ were fluent in the Philadelphia-based new jack swing sound, a combination of hip-hop, urban contemporary pop, and R&B/soul sounds. Alton Hood and Kevin Harvey met in college before they knew the Lord. Having dabbled in the party lifestyle, and even in the occult, they turned their lives over to Christ through a miraculous intervention of God.… Continued →

November 23, 2022

Song of the Day: Morella's Forest - Voices Carry

Who besides me think covers can be awesome? Well MF did a great cover of ‘Til Tuesday’s classic song. Sydney has a unique voice & it does carry throughout this song. I listened to their Hang out EP for hours as a kid. I loved the shoegazing aspects of fuzz from MF & Starflyer. Tooth & Nail were putting out very different music sounds from the rest of the “Christian” market back then & I was fully on board. Before joining the military I had dreams of going to work for the label.… Continued →

November 21, 2022

November 19, 2022

November 18, 2022

Song of the Day: The Awful Truth - Ghost of Heaven

The Awful Truth–the best band that (almost) never was! In the late 80s I was huge into King’s X and what would soon become known as the “Houston sound.” It was part progressive metal, part groove, part rock, and lots of harmonies thrown in. I’d started hearing about this new band (at the time) called The Awful Truth, who had recorded their debut album for mainstream Metal Blade Records, and sadly broke up before it even came out. In fact, by the time the album was released, two thirds of The Awful Truth had formed a new band with two other members, the now-legendary Galactic Cowboys, increasing that groovy-metallic Houston Sound to yet another band.… Continued →

November 16, 2022

Song of the Day: Dodavahu - Mountain

Dodavahu reminds many of the funk groovy alt-rock of DighayZoose, Jane’s Addiction, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Primus vein. I can see a little why as they remind me of Elder & a few others from the early 90s alt rock daze.  Their stuff can be hard to find , but appears a band member added some to his SoundCloud page. Look for Larry Larraga. They are also on a hard to find compilation from Dwarf Records called Sam which I have been looking for years. Check em out.… Continued →

November 14, 2022

November 12, 2022

November 11, 2022

Song of the Day: Body and Soul - The Graylands

I first discovered this band from Tim Henderson (Warlord/Mr Bishops Fist) one night as we were talking about obscure Christian bands from the past. Body and Soul was a one-off solo project from Daniel Amos keyboardist Rob Watson. Body and Soul released only one 7″ in 1983, and never did anything else. Side A featured “Something’s Going On Here,” which is a good song, but is more typical of 80s new wave/pop. It sounds like a track you’d hear in an 80s action comedy film, something akin to Adventures in Babysitting.… Continued →

November 9, 2022

November 7, 2022

Song of the Day: The Fall of Leviathan - Jesus Didn't Live the American Dream

Good luck on finding much on this rarity. I believe from what I remember they were featured on Radiou’s metal show many years ago. They seem to be of an early metalcore/deathcore variety & were from Reno, Nevada. Their Myspace page has them going to Joshuafest back in 2010 & ReverbNation has a demo of another of their songs. This song’s lyrics sounds to be close to a worship song as you can hear them screaming He died for us circa the 1:30 mark & some spoken circa the 3:15 mark.… Continued →

November 5, 2022

Song of the Day: TheCellExperiment - The Prize

This industrial artist Chris Cummings has gone by a myriad of names over the years of whom you can hear more of his stuff through Bandcamp. I have always liked this one, but it was long lost from a comp cd I made when mp3.com went away. Anyways, forgot about it over the years & found 3 cds of his on Ebay recently. Was listening to his nostalgic stuff when one jumped at me & I realized this was the song I had lost circa 20 years ago!… Continued →

November 4, 2022

Song of the Day: Recon - In My Dreams

Recon was a Christian metal band active in the late 80s and early 90s. They were one of the earliest true “power metal” bands in the Christian scene. They played a traditional form of heavy metal that was augmented and supplemented by progressive tendencies and tempos that sometimes approached speed metal. The band released a pair of cassette demos, first in 1989 and then 1990, and also had a song featured on the most excellent California Metal II compilation where I first heard the band. Vocalist Vett Roberts sang in a high-pitched operatic style not too unlike Jimmy Brown (Deliverance) or Geoff Tate (Queensryche), or possibly even a more musical version of King Diamond (Merciful Fate).… Continued →

November 2, 2022

Song of the Day: I Am They - From The Day

This country folk rock band isn’t your normal artist noticed on this site, but they have been a fave of mine for years. I finally got the chance to see them live here recently & I was sad. This was their last tour as a band. They actually started out really small doing some songs for their church from what I gather. Obviously they grew & found their way onto Christian CCM radio. I actually performed this song on bass to this megachurch church I was going to at the time to audition for the worship band.… Continued →

October 31, 2022

October 28, 2022

Song of the Day: Remnant Militia - Syberian Winters

Not much is known about this underground hip-hop crew. Their recorded output consists of two independent releases: a cassette demo from 1997, and a full-length CD in 2004 with the moniker shortened to simply “Remnant” (not to be confused with the indie rock band that eventually became Exeter Flud). It was in 1997 or 98 that my good friend Jay (AKA DJ Deikon) who was huge into underground holy hip-hop introduced me to them. I was immediately intrigued by their creative backing tracks and atypical lyrical flow.… Continued →

October 26, 2022

Song of the Day: Room Full of Walters - Jefferey Dahmer Went to Heaven

Room Full of Walters was a modern alternative rock band from Kansas & were on Christian rock radio formats back in the late 90s. This SOTD references the age old question of how far is too far gone for us to be able to go to Heaven. The band had seen an interview on television & wrote this song. I know the reference is very extreme, but it still brings to light that every sin keeps us away from Jesus. Not one is good enough & we ALL need JESUS.… Continued →

October 24, 2022

October 22, 2022

Song of the Day: Nurtured in Purple - Maynard

This song obviously references the vocalist for Tool. The Band is very hard to find anything on. I have a few of their songs. from what I remember a 5 song EP from circa early to mid 2000s. They were on Christian rock radio way back in the day when hard rock songs were on the “loud” charts? I am pretty sure Decrease Me, Day by Day & Strike Out were the ones. I think the band names comes from the following passage from Lamentations 4:4–5:   “The tongue of the nursling cleaves to its palate in thirst. … Continued →

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