Tag: song of the day
August 31, 2022
This worship artist is one I interviewed back in college. He gave me this cd & I was hooked-every single song resonated with me & not many worship artists have, Anyways Check the whole album & these mission lyrics from Phil 1:20, Psalm 145:13, 46:10 which should be our anthem. Jesus-nuff said
For Erick there was one thing, one thing and nothing more
That moved his growing family to the slums of Bangalore
For Becca there was one thing, one thing that kept her home
She gave up her career to take an orphan in her arms
What would make a man so bold
Make a woman lay her own life down
Only one thing
Jesus Christ, Magnified
All over the world
Lifted High, glorified
All over the world
Only One thing
Is Worth everything
Jesus Christ, Magnified
All over the world
For David there was one thing he gave his life to preach
His church in China meets in secret growing every week
For Ruby there was one thing that kept her in the choir
It hurt to stand at 90 but she worshipped with a smile
What would make a man so bold
Make a woman lay her own life down
only one thing
For us now there is one thing
A choice that we all have
Living for our kingdoms or the only one that lasts..… Continued →
August 29, 2022
Song of the Day: Tree63 - 101
South African Tree 63 delivered a lot of music mostly through the AC format, but they also had some rockier tunes. They started in 1996 under “Tree” but the name was taken already by others. They added 63 based on Psalms 63, a reference to their second LP. Anyways hope you like this one as much as I have over the years. Also, vocalist John Ellis eventually struck on his own. Check him out as his solo stuff is decent also.
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August 27, 2022
Song of the Day: Jeremiah Dirt - Blunted Edge vs Feel The Break
IMHO my bro Dirt is the best rapper of all time. He has collaborated with other musicians over the years including P.O.D.’s jam Breathe Babylon. I see him at this festival i go to as much as I can & hang. Week ago I was treated to him preaching finally. Check his stuff out. I dare you. And check out his Word Digging stuff his YouTube channel.
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August 26, 2022
Song of the Day: Tourniquet - Tears of Korah
Many fitting tributes have been written about the one and only, the mighty drummer/musician/song-writer/animal rights activist Ted Kirkpatrick. So much has been said about his life, his music, and his impact that I can’t really add much here. Ted’s incredible musicianship is impossible to overstate. He was revered even by the most ardent anti-religion folks, for his musicality alone, including folks like King Diamond and Marty Friedman.
While I never got to meet Ted, I did have the chance to see Tourniquet live once. It was their first tour with Luke Easter as the new lead vocalist.… Continued →
August 24, 2022
Song of the Day: Fighter - Alone With You
This song is been one of my fave songs of all time-yeah there are a lot of them. But for real I think it was maybe 1994 I heard this one & I immediately was hooked. Maybe it was Amy Wolter’s voice or the lyrics (probably the latter). Anyways, keep you eyes, ears and heart open to what YHWH is telling you and spending quiet time with Him is a surefire way of letting Him be involved with our lives.
It’s been too easy to stay away
I’ve excuses for everyday that I ran from you
Looking the other way
Afraid of what yo might say
Of what I’d have to do
But when I stopped running
And started to hear
Your voice became real
I can feel you near
When I am alone with You
I can hear you calling
When I am alone with You
Your Spirit’s falling…
Your voice keeps calling my name
Sitting here in my quiet chair
expecting to find you there
This is a better choice
I can think of all the years wasted
In a one way conversation
It was only my voice
Ready to listen
I’m ready to hear
Word so sweet to my aching ears
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August 22, 2022
Song of the Day: Rusty Shipp - Man Myth Legend
Rusty Shipp is modern rock w/ a grunge influence whose lyrics & song titles are nautical in nature & hence created the Nautical Rock & Roll genre!. They have a few albums under their belt already & their name is a play on their vocalist’s actual name. Anyways, this one is my fave one from them off their latest record. Be looking for a forthcoming interview I will be doing with them here shortly.
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Song of the Day: Nailed Promise - Stand Tall
Nailed Promise hung out on a thin line between modern rock & hardcore. This song has a great Godly message also. And their singer Nathan can really make crazy cool noises with his geetar can’t he lol! Also check out their tune Traveler from their Mindrage split EP. You won’t be disappointed
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August 20, 2022
Song of the Day: Justifide vs Reform The Resistance - The Way vs Kill Lies
Seen this band several years ago before they changed their name to Reform the Resistance. They were a modern rock/rapcore band back then which also did songs in Spanish. This album cover alone is enuff to check this band for crying out loud lol! Reform I wish would have caught on more to Christian or mainstream radio for that matter. They are so incredibly talented. Heck check out both bands stuff. You won’t be disappointed trust me…and I’ve heard most in the Christian industry.
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August 19, 2022
Song of the Day: Braille - This Year
Rapper Braille (born Bryan Winchester) has been making hip-hop since at least 1998, first as a solo artist and then additionally as a member of Lightheaded (featured in an earlier Song of the Day), Acts 29, and most recently the worshipful project Beautiful Eulogy. The Portland-based rapper has released just under a dozen albums, including independent releases, a Japanese import, and a collaboration with Symbolyc One, not including his work in the aforementioned cyphers.
Although I’d heard of him through his association with Syntax Records, it was his 6th album Box of Rhymes where I was first introduced to his music.… Continued →
August 17, 2022
Song of the Day: War of Ages - Collapse
WOA is a great band to see live & lots of bands I have spoken with have taken at least some type of inspiration or respect for them. This one has always been my fave. I am adding on to this as their drummer Kaleb passed away recently since I had written this. Let’s remember him in our thoughts & prayers.
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August 15, 2022
Song of the Day: Sometime Sunday - Blue
Sometime Sunday’s first LP on T&N is one of my fave albums of the 90s. They spun off into a few different directions such as Tragedy Ann, Rock N Roll Worship Circus, Tomfest, etc… This song may sound cool, but its a harsh reality to those of us who have ever dealt with lust. If one needs a good book to read on the subject, check out Ted Robert’s Pure Desire. Looks like I already wrote a SOTD on Tragedy Ann if you want to read it in the archives.… Continued →
August 10, 2022
Song of the Day: Theocracy - Hide in the Fairytale
TBH I never did get into power metal-until I heard Theocracy. They are that good. My Bro Ben (whom is starting our much long overdue metalcore band without me of course as I no longer live in Columbia SC. saw them maybe a year ago called me up & I had a conversation with their drummer. Anyways this song hits you like a ton of bricks as is a take on Romans 7:15-20.
A child in sweet duplicity
For innocence? Or slavery to nature
And the bents that haunt him straight out of the womb?… Continued →
August 8, 2022
Song of the Day: Convictions - Eros vs The Price of Grace
So this SOTD goes out to my bros in Convictions whom I think has evolved to be the best metalcore band of the past 5 years. They are talented as all get out & are still deeply rooted Christians. I have seen them twice in the past 2 weeks & each time the crowd was into them also. I joke with Mike (their vocalist) on them playing this old song Eros & he chuckles. Anyways, Check out Pastor Rob’s reaction to The Price of Grace also.… Continued →
August 6, 2022
Song of the Day: Idle Cure - Holy Mountain
So I heard this song back in the day & fell in love with it. Now this is in those days that internet wasn’t around yet & I had no clue how to find it. Years went past & while digging thru Idle Cure’s stuff, whoa I just found my jam! This is AOR & I get this is a punk site but these lyrics (partially pulling from Psalm 99:9) still ring all these years later. Hope y’all understand what I mean.
Have you ever been up to the mountain
Have you ever walked on holy ground
We can all go without condition
The veil’s been torn, there’s love all around
The light shines from all directions
You’ll cast way your cares
Have you ever taken water from the river
If you drink you’ll never thirst again
It’s all been given to us freely
No more servants, we’re called friends
The path is narrow, the days are few
Let’s walk up to the mountain and turn the old to new
Shadows falling, harvest from the light
I can feel the power of love
Voices singing, praising the Most High
Now I know, I’m standing on holy ground
Have we lost the heart to worship
Have we lost the song of praise
Is our walk another chapter
Reading words but we never bless His name
The path is narrow, the days are few
Let’s walk up to the mountain and turn the old to new
Come enter in and you will see
The temple door is broken free
Lift your voice now don’t be shy
Lift Him up to be glorified
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August 5, 2022
Song(s) of the Day: Bloodgood - Crucify / The Messiah
If you’ve been following social media regarding the Christian scene at all over the recent weeks/months, you’ll likely be aware of Michael Bloodgood’s recent health issues, culminating in his death last week. Michael was a co-founder, and obviously namesake, of the legendary and seminal Christian metal band Bloodgood.
The band has been active since the 1980s, with their first album coming out in 1986. They stood out from the pack in various ways: the theatrical singing and stage antics of lead vocalist Les Carlsen, the top-notch music and writing of the band, and their no-compromise approach to lyrics and music ministry.… Continued →
August 3, 2022
Song of the Day: Loftland - Runaway
Loftland is a dance pop band that changed from their original modern rock style. Check out Animosity. Check out this very catchy SOTD.
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August 1, 2022
Song of the Day: Randy Stonehill - Great Big Stupid World
This guy here has been in the music biz longer than most of us have been alive (1971). You can read all about his career elsewhere, but this song has always been comedic to me as I think as anticipated. Have fun with this one!
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July 30, 2022
Song of the Day: Tony Vincent - Must Be the Season
Tony is a pop singer that started in the Christian industry. He was heard everywhere on Christian CCM radio back in the 90s. This song was a rocker though & had some great lyrics. Check his bio out as he even went on The Voice from what I gather. & his voice is phenomenal as you are about to hear.
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July 29, 2022
Song of the Day: Vaakevandring - Some Day
This Norwegian band formed in 1999, and sadly by 2007 had called it quits. Hailing from Nannestad, just outside Oslo, they played a formed of atmospheric BM that appealed to many who heard them. While their lifespan was short, their impact was huge. You can still read accolades from fans on music-related social media pages, and band members have also been associated with a number of other, more well-known bands including Antestor, Frosthardr, and Grave Declaration.
“Some Day” is taken from their 3-song self-titled demo CD, which was also re-issued a few years later by Momentum Scandinavium with an extra song as Vaakevandring.… Continued →
July 27, 2022
Song of the Day: Icon For Hire - Cynics vs Critics Vs Get Well
Icon has been on the scene for a few years now. Their first LP released on T&N. I heard of them as I had worked at a TV station in Decatur, IL where they are from. I know they have moved away from their Christian scene, but these songs are still really good. Also check out their latest song Ready For Combat which has landed on mainstream radio.
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July 25, 2022
Song of the Day: Trouble With Ferguson - Kindergarden
This band had a pop punk vibe. They seem to have been independent & from Canada. Hope y’all like it
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July 23, 2022
Song of the Day: Wedding Party - War Memorial
So while preparing for these reviews I have a list of ones that I know. And then realize I am getting ready to see this band live in a week! Wedding Party is a goth rock band that changed their direction to pop industrial & their name to Bridgeshadows, Met the guy who works with them on AD Windblown Records this past weekend also. Check this band out along with other goth bands Virgin Black & Saviour Machine.
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July 22, 2022
Song of the Day: Joy Electric - The Cobbler
I’ve been listening to Ronnie Martin’s music since the late 80s, when he and brother Jason (of Starflyer 59 and many others) were known as the duo Dance House Children. That group reveled in synth-pop, but with a super quirky edge. There was nothing in the Christian nor secular markets quite like it. After two underrated albums, the pair split. Jason started the legendary indie rock monster Starflyer 59, while Ronnie carried on with synthesizer-created music in the form of Joy Electric.
Picking up where Dance House Children left off, Joy Electric took the quirkiness to extreme new levels.… Continued →
July 20, 2022
Song of the Day: Torn Skin - Gravity Is Calling
More industrial music this time from a 3 member group known as Torn Skin. Always have enjoyed this tune. Amazon has a good breakdown of it if you want to check it out.
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July 18, 2022
Song of the Day: Argyle Park - Gutterboy vs Resurrection of the Ravens
Argyle Park-nuff said! For real, if you like industrial music at all, you will like this. Their first LP was a bit indie sounding, but things freshened up by the time AP2 was released. And then Scott remastered everything.
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July 16, 2022
Song of the Day: Red - Ordinary World
I remember when this band first started, they were on a rock show hosted by Sonia Vannest. I found out about them & Evanescence on the same show. We all know the directions that the bands took after. This SOTD is in hopes for more Red music. They have done a few covers but this is my fave from them as I loved this song as a kid when it was originally done by Duran Duran.
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July 13, 2022
Song of the Day: Emery - Walls
So Emery has got some new stuff coming out as we have seen. Seen them live a few time snow & they actually started out in this town I used to live in called Rock Hill, SC, but had moved on unfortunately before I arrived. They have a lot going on but this was their first video & song that brough them to our attention.
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July 11, 2022
Song of the Day: Spoken - This Path vs Through It All
This one goes out to one of my fave bands of all time. Matt Baird is a man ov God. I literally just saw them live yet again 2 days ago & bought some merch off his oldest son! Anyways their LP Echoes is still in my top 20 albums of all time. The other SOTD showcases the cleaner production sound that they became known for. They are still releasing new music so BOLO for new stuff that they played.
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July 10, 2022
Song of the Day: Earthsuit - Schizophreniac
Earthsuit was another one of those bands that didn’t seem to have any counterparts in the Christian music industry. Some of the band members went on to form MuteMath. But hey, great song title right?! Think it’s a play on our sin nature. Maybe someone knows different?
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July 9, 2022
Song of the Day: For Today - Devastator
So I wrote a review on one of Mattie’s preaching tracks a year or so ago. This is his band after he left Besieged. This band got really big & ended up disbanding after releasing several albums. This song has always been my fave & is just so much fun to play on drums! They were also decent live-trust me!
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