Tag: song of the day
July 8, 2022
For a brief moment in the early 1990s, it looked like electronica (or techno, or rave as it was being called at the time) was going to take over popular music. It had a huge following in Christian alternative music for a good two years. Although the synthesizer-driven genre had little to do with the guitar-dominated alt-rock, grunge, and hardcore punk of the era, what it did have in common with those genres was simply being an oddball style of music with which to glorify God.… Continued →
July 4, 2022
Song of the Day: Krush - Old Man
Krush was a hard rock band that released a couple albums & a demo. This song is from a cassette demo that I finally shelled out my hard earned cash to get! Hope y’all like it as I was looking for it for years. And Happy July 4th!
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July 2, 2022
Song of the Day: Lamb - You Are My Salvation
Lamb is a Messianic Jewish band that started out in the 70s which played Jewish folk music. As time progressed they did a few rockier songs including this SOTD which I still love to this day. Hope you do also.
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July 1, 2022
Song of the Day: Deliverance - No Love
Metalheads are divided over whether the subgenre dubbed “speed metal” actually exists or not. Often confused with shred metal and/or Neo-classical (yes, those guys play fast, but that’s not the same thing), it’s almost synonymous with thrash except there are often clean vocals and/or slightly cleaner guitars.
In the Christian scene, the most obvious examples are the seminal and fantastic Valor, Tourniquet’s early work (also adding a progressive element) and the mighty Deliverance. While Deliverance has flirted with a lot of different styles (speed/thrash, gothic metal, alternative metal, groove, etc.),… Continued →
June 29, 2022
Song of the Day: The Normals - Song and Dance
I went to high school with these dudes. Andrew Osenga (in the middle) went on to become a soloist & has worked with Andrew Peterson & with Caedmon’s Call (whom I hear is coming back soon!)
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June 27, 2022
Song of the Day: Slick Shoes - Fulfilling
This band is cool. I remember seeing them back in the day & I was impressed. I’d consider them pop punk & they were one of the early T&N bands that I had collected. Chose this one as I always understood the lyrics.
The life’s torn from you, there is nowhere to turn. You’re all alone, you feel hollow and empty. Nothing you do can suppress the heartache that you feel. The only strength you have is used to cry in misery. Could you fill the hole you’ve made inside your heart, when you can’t erase your past mistakes?… Continued →
June 25, 2022
Song of the Day: Texas in July - Bed of Nails
Here is a metalcore band I saw live a while ago. This song has always woken me up for some reason! And they aren’t from Tx believe it or not – PA.
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June 24, 2022
Song of the Day: Dogwood - In The Line of Fire
With regard to the news of today that is surely causing friend to turn against friend, family members against each other, man against man, woman against woman, and the general disregard for one’s truth, with precious life taking a back seat, I thought I’d share a song that fits today’s message. This song is called “In The Line of Fire” and it appears on Dogwood’s 2nd full length record, “Through Thick and Thin” (1997). It’s a great song and the sentiment still rings true. A few words… Remember who is inflaming tensions, who is stoking the fires of anger and hate, and who is ripping apart our humanity at the seams.… Continued →
Song of the Day: Bruce Cockburn - Wondering Where the Lions Are
This veteran, Canadian singer-songwriter has been active since at least the early 70s (probably earlier), since his debut eponymous album came out in 1970. I first became acquainted with his music in the 1990s, reading an album review in CCM Magazine, but also hearing equally about his accolades from the secular press. I took a chance on buying a live album, when I found a copy of his 1990 live album (he’s done at least 5 live albums), Bruce Cockburn Live on cassette.
I’d heard he was a folk artist, and a songwriter, so I was prepared for the mostly acoustic sounds on the tape.… Continued →
June 22, 2022
Song of the Day: Turnaround - Don't Believe It
This catchy song has a great meaning about letting go of fear. One of the 2 members says this on his Facebook “As I got older, I felt like I couldn’t do what God was calling me to do.”, but—don’t believe it.
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June 20, 2022
Song of the Day: Pax217 - What Is Love
This is a hard song to listen to, but it needs to be heard. This one talks about a guy who hurt someone close to the author. He’s ticked with the dude, but tells him that God will forgiven him if he repents. There is what appears to be a music video on YouTube, but it’s to risqué to list here.
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June 18, 2022
Song of the Day: Ron Collins - Run This Race vs All I Know
Ron Collins was a vocalist from the late 80s/early 90s whose prior band was TwentyTwenty & when this solo album came out, David & the Giants was his backing band. While I was in the military, I sang Run to myself many times while I ran my 2 miles during the physical fitness test. I got a 12:04 twice in a row. All I Know I think is one of the best songs ever & when I heard it on radio I was amazed.
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June 17, 2022
Song of the Day: Travail - Weakling
Hailing from the fertile heavy music scene of the greater DFW region, and specifically Ft. Worth, Travail mixed heavy rap-core and nu metal riffs with dark tones and lyrics about the Christian struggle. Heavier than most in the genre, the band was sometimes referred to as “gothic rap-core” due to the darker tones and minor keys. Yet the lyrics pointed to higher things:
I’ve failed you I’ve lied to you
Yet you forgive and let me live
Oh God help my weakness
Oh give me your strength
Father help me
I’ll go to any length
On my face, on my chest, on my knees
God help me please
My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak
The band released a split EP with Luti-Kriss (who, of course, eventually became Norma Jean), and two full-length albums: Anchor of My Soul for the secular Pluto Records and Beautiful Loneliness for Metrovox, a sub-label Metro One.… Continued →
June 15, 2022
Song of the Day: Nailed - M2
This is what I label as hard rock. Nailed is a band that was on Travis Wyrick’s record label & released 2 LPs. Check out these lyrics: “My God loves you, but He hates your sin.” Nuff said.
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June 13, 2022
Song of the Day: Prophetica - 1000 Times
Eric Dunne aka Prophetica made some of the best trance I’ve ever heard. I’ve been looking for one of his songs Denim for years, but this stuff was made back in the old mp3.com days. This is a worship song
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June 11, 2022
Song of the Day: Emma Mullings - Skinny Roads
I know this is a punk site, but hey this song is darn catchy about taking the road less travelled.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).
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June 10, 2022
Song of the Day: The Awakening - Don't Wait for Me
The Awakening was a progressive pop-rock/AOR band from Canada, active in the 1980s–not to be confused with the goth/industrial band from South Africa. This Awakening was poppy enough to be CCM-adjacent (in fact, this is probably the poppiest SOTD I’ve ever featured), but yet had a slight progressive/alternative edge that set them apart from other bands.
The band released three albums, culminating in their excellent Into Thy Hands (Reunion Records, 1988). It featured 12 tracks of progressive pop goodness, not too dissimilar to 80s-era Yes. Lyrics were filled with encouraging but never preachy biblical references.… Continued →
June 8, 2022
Song of the Day: Five Iron Frenzy - Every New Day
Probably my most fave song from this long time running punk/ska band. I have never seen live & I am sad. 🙁 Anyways here are the lyrics & probably why I like it so much. Can you imagine the world where CCM radio would have this as a worship song instead of nonstop Hillsong?
When I was young, The smallest trick of light, Could catch my eye, Then life was new And every new day, I thought that I could fly. I believed in what I hoped for, And I hoped in things unseen, I had wings and dreams could soar, I just don’t feel like flying anymore. … Continued →
June 6, 2022
Song of the Day: The Prettybads - My Molecules
The Prettybads are a 2 piece whose members just happen to be married to each other! I saw them at the show below.
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June 4, 2022
Song of the Day: Don't Wake Aislin vs Veridia -Clear Skies are Hard to Find vs Furious Love
Both bands are modern rock & do a mighty fine job if I might say. Clear Skies used to have a music video but it was pulled before Veridia came to be. I saw Veridia at a Winter Jam at one point. Hope you like the 2 songs as much as I have.
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June 3, 2022
Song of the Day: No Innocent Victim - Strength
Emerging from the original wave of Spirit Filled Hardcore (or SFHC) came southern California’s No Innocent Victim, AKA N.I.V. In contrast to their SFHC peers like Unashamed, Strongarm, and Overcome, who often integrated metallic influences that were becoming more popular in hardcore, NIV stuck to their old school roots with a “Loud Fast Rules” mentality. In fact, their old school approach to fast and heavy hardcore played a part in sparking a revival of the style, which eventually evolved into “tough guy hardcore,” essentially an update of that old school sound with added breakdowns and heaviness.… Continued →
June 1, 2022
Song of the Day: Simple Mystery - On my Own
Simple Mystery is a band that is from my hometown Normal, Illinois. The 4 piece comprised of Jason, Eric, Jimmy & Chris. Chris you may have heard of from his later band The Frantics & his work with Miss Angie & pop rock/worship group Goodbye Audio. Anyways my buddy Kelly Kerfoot let me borrow the cassette tape & I had looked for this song for many years since my cassette tape bit the dust maybe 20 years ago!
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May 30, 2022
Song of the Day: Six Feet Deep - Narrow
This band was awesome imho. The early days of Christian hxc bands had met their match with this phenomenal cd The Road Less Travelled. Songs like Congruent, Purify, Slip, & Steadfast are just pummeling. It was like a breach of hxc w/ metalcore. Myk Porter & Matt Traxler went to to form an awesome emo band called Brandston (whom I got to see live several years ago) after but the band got its start in 91 in Ohio. I have always thought this is one of the best metal instrumentals of all time.… Continued →
May 28, 2022
Song of the Day: The American Culture Experiments - Talk
The American Culture Experiments were a punk band from Texas. Their first LP I bought off Accidental Sirens records which is the label from Scaterd Few’s/Men As Trees Walking Allen Aguirre whom I had the pleasure to interview back in my college days. Humans Being was also featured as a single on Christian indie rock shows back in the early 2000s. Lloyd wrote a SOTD on another song from theirs here: https://www.indievisionmusic.com/news/song-of-the-day-the-american-culture-experiments-freedom-in-part/ This one has Laraine on vocals & bass.
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May 27, 2022
Song of the Day: Sincerely Paul - Nineteen Years
One of my all-time favorite record labels of the indie Christian scene was Blonde Vinyl. Run by Michael Knott (LSU/Lifesavers, and about a dozen others), it was one of the first truly indie, truly alternative record labels focusing on Christian artists. Knott never got rich off of the sales. (A few years later, Brandon Ebel would show us how to make a Christian indie label financially profitable.) Furthermore, not all of the releases on Blonde Vinyl were even that great–I won’t name any names–but all of them were charming in some way.… Continued →
May 25, 2022
Song of the Day: Islander - Bad Guy
This is a band whom I have seen live twice now & they put on an impressive show. And of course the P.O.D./Bad Brains influence isn’t a bad thing either! This is just the type of music I am glad to have permeated the mainstream airwaves. Coconut Dracula put them on the map & as of today, April 1st, they have released It’s Not Easy Being Human.
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May 23, 2022
Song of the Day: Cloud2Ground vs Shiny Toy Guns - Face2Face vs Somewhere to Hide
There are so many memories of these 2 bands. C2G first started up back in 99 w/ Jeremy Dawson (who is an awesome musician). He added Chad Petree who was in a boy band called PC Quest which started in 91. C2G released 2 of my fave EDM albums of all time. Then they started releasing other projects under Slyder, RRDS & Shiny Toy Guns. STG took over & they ended up releasing their mainstream debut in 06 but was floating around as an indie release in 05.… Continued →
May 21, 2022
Song of the Day: The Combat Junkies - The Revolution
I remember seeing this band live back in the day when I lived down south at a place in Statesville, NC if I remember correctly. They had formed in 99 & were inspired by such bands as The Blamed, Rancid, NoFX, Dropkick Murphy’s.
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May 20, 2022
Song of the Day: Stryper - Calling on You
For some of you, this SOTD will stretch the limits of what “Indie Vision Music” should cover. Glam metal was at the height of the commercialization of rock and roll in the late 80s, thus rendering Stryper’s inclusion here as suspect. But here are a few reasons why they absolutely deserve to be here:
1. They were, and possibly are still, the most important and/or influential Christian rock/metal band of all time. Yes, it’s true. With number one singles, album sales that rivaled their secular peers, and heavy rotation on MTV (when it still stood for “Music Television”), their impact is still felt far and wide.… Continued →
May 18, 2022
Song of the Day: MyChildren MyBride - god of Nothing
MyChildren MyBride is a metalcore band from Alabama. This SOTD was probably my fave song in 2013. It has always served as a reminder that the devil does not rule my life no matter how many times I fall as a Christian. YHWH is always waiting for me with open arms.
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