Tag: song of the day
June 12, 2021
Dakoda Motor Company was an awesome surf modern rock band that brought surf music to the 90s Christian rock scene imho. Guitarist Peter King even had a brief stint on MTV with its show Sandblast. The band had toured with several artists including Petra which I always thought was a weird matchup. This SOTD has always been my fave, but also check out Sondancer, Trip To Pain, All Good Generals & Railroad. I also included a live video of them performing Sondancer just because it’s cool to reminisce & wonder if they will come out with new music as they seem to be still playing shows.… Continued →
June 9, 2021
Song of the Day: Undercover - World Come Crashing Down
Undercover went through a ton of style changes during their extensive tenure as a band. Labeled as new wave, punk, rock & even gothic, the band had its humble beginnings as a 2nd generation Jesus music band (which I briefly mentioned in another SOTD review) associated with Calvary Chapel in the early 80s. Bandmates included a wide variety of musicians including Ojo Taylor, Ric Alba, Chuck Cummings whom all 3 would go on to other projects. I remember picking up the gothic tinged Balance Of Power at my local library back in the day & was amazed at what I heard.… Continued →
June 7, 2021
Song of the Day: Crashdog - Bloody Lane
So I saw a video recently on an Christian punk rawk Facebook group of Crashdog on Jerry Springer where they sang their The Pursuit Of Happiness song & vocalist Spike Nard had to defend it to some church looking guy whom was talking smack about Spike being a Christian & playing that genre of music. This totally made me want to do a SOTD on them so check it out sometime as is great if you can find it. Gotta love the bagpipes in this song which is why I specifically chose this one.… Continued →
June 5, 2021
Song of the Day: Doomsday Hymn - Mene Tequel Ufarsim
Brazilian Doomsday Hymn remind me of Sepultara or Soulfly for some reason with their 2015 Rottweiler Records release. This post is in anticipation of an upcoming possible new release as they teased 3 newer songs back in 2018/2019 respectively. Today’s SOTD & album name is a play on MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN from the book Of Daniel when the handwriting on the wall doomed Belshazzar’s kingdom that was about to be conquered by the Medes & Persians which also eludes to the band’s name.
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June 4, 2021
Song of the Day: Bloodshed - Martha
The amazing thing about “Martha” from Bloodshed’s 1995 self-titled EP isn’t just how complex it is. Yes, it hits that sweet spot, distinctive of top-notch emo-core where the perfect balance of harsh and soft, noisy and melodic come together. It’s also not how mature the lyrics are. They’re inspired by a poem written by a young girl (the song’s namesake) during World War 2. It’s also not how proficient on the instruments the members were. The track features complex, angular riffing that wasn’t all that common in mid-90s hardcore, a mixture of clean singing and hardcore screaming.… Continued →
June 2, 2021
Song of the Day: Lightworker - Cholera
So this post marks my 100th for the site! Today’s SOTD features the newer band Lightworker from California & is great metalcore ballad that falls in the lines of TDWP: Louder Than Thunder, Underoath: Too Bright To See Too Loud to Hear & Fit For A king Skin & Bones. The song features the regular vocalist & also Laura McElroy who also sings for Comrades (a band that I’ve seen live).
What if I faded away with no trace left behind?
You’d only hear fading words to let you know I’m fine
There’s no expectations, I’ll let go
It’s all said and done with nothing left to show
There’s nothing left to show
Now this is all
I have to give of myself
With my hopes wearing thin
Now this is all
I have left in pieces
But just enough to begin again
Here I find myself retracing the steps of what could have been
And I find myself reflecting on the moments I failed in
I’m only unwanted, disconnected, bruised and jaded
I’m only spare parts but this heart will revive and beat again
Now that you’ve faded away there’s no trace left behind
What’s left of these memories are frozen still in time
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May 31, 2021
Song of the Day: Hoi Polloi - Come To Me
Today’s SOTD was one of my top 10 songs of all time growing up. I have this song hundreds of times & it has never gotten old. The lyrics deal with YHWH being there for us & is patiently waiting for us to come to HIM or return home. Hailing from New Zealand, the band dabbled in roots, funk & modern rock, but Jenny Gullen’s voice set the band apart from any other. I remember actually playing this song in a setlist I was djing in Columbia, SC at an outdoor festival. … Continued →
May 29, 2021
Song of the Day: Hokus Pick - I.B.I.J.I.T.O.F.W.
Another quirky 90s alternative rock fun band, Hokus Pick (Maneuver) hailed from Canada. The band focused on writing sarcastic silly lyrics that portrayed a deeper message of Christian truths such as revealed in this SOTD – that Jesus will hold true to His promise that He will return. Now that is an optimistic feeling. I chose this SOTD for a few reasons, with one being to make my son laugh. Listen to the guy yell at the beginning lol! Also included a live show from them.… Continued →
May 28, 2021
Song of the Day: Cannon Heath Down - Bone (of Contention)
It’s amazing how one can listen to music for years, decades even, and still find an obscure gem from days gone past that was missed out. Vancouver’s Cannon Heath Down only released one album: 1987’s Heart-Throb Companion (and a cassette demo 2 years later). The self-produced album was only released on LP, and its stellar take on indie pop will appeal to fans of The Ocean Blue, Morrissey, Game Theory, Riverside, The Mighty Lemon Drops, etc. The album fetches top dollar too, as I’ve seen copies listed at triple digits.… Continued →
May 26, 2021
Song of the Day: Prepare The Way - You're Not Alone
Prepare The Way hails from Mississippi & appears to have sadly only released one EP. But, this title track is powerful. I guarantee all of us have felt the sting of failure & sin in our lives. To rely on Jesus to get us through turmoil & tragedy is a touch thing to do, but that is where His perfect peace can shine the brightest. Hope you like this SOTD as much as I have the past few years.
suffocating ever waiting till the deed is done evil angels all against me so they say they’ve won all these chains around me can you push them to the ground every time I’ve tried every time they’ve pulled me down they’re pulling me down
Is there anything left of me
Can I find the strength to stand up to my feet Will I ever heal these chains of flesh are real And they’re holding me this burn of pain I feel You’re not Alone
Every failure that I’m wishing would just go away All the lies you tell me shallow dreams that wish to stay All these chains are binding freedom fighting for a chance Angels carry me help me find my way to stand Will you help me stand
Is there anything left of me
Can I find the strength to stand up to my feet Will I ever heal these chains of flesh are real And they’re holding me this burn of pain I feel You’re not alone
Now fly away lets fly away
To find a life without this pain
Just open your eyes and breathe within
Let go of these chains don’t love them again
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May 25, 2021
May 24, 2021
Song of the Day: Petra - Mine Field
So I’m going a long ways back for this SOTD. But, the truth is that it brings still holds true today. Pulling from 3 different Bible verses, the lyrics deal with going through life while dealing with different choices that can take us down a dark path. The most relevant is 1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” I really do miss the days when my fave music was directly tied to the Bible & the lyrics sheet had the scripture reference.… Continued →
May 22, 2021
Song of the Day: A Hill To Die Upon - Adept In Divinity
Galesburg/Monmouth, Illinois is the first place you think of when you think of blackened melodic death metal, isn’t it. But, since 2004, AHTDU has been playing just that. I have seen the band numerous times & even been to a few shows with members of the band in the crowd or playing with other bands, like the southern rock The Comancheros. This is some true headbanging stuff so if you get a chance, check them out live. The band is also cool enough to post videos on YouTube of bass & guitar playthroughs if you’re interested like me.… Continued →
May 21, 2021
Song of the Day: No Laughing Matter - Bad Blood
Arizona’s No Laughing Matter were kind of a ‘love ’em or hate ’em’ kind of game. Dark and broody, they didn’t fit in with most CCM at the time. Heck, even the alternative stuff wasn’t quite this dark, for the most part. Scott Roman’s dramatic wail was an acquired taste. The guitars alternated between goth-rock and the occasional nod to funk (see “Helltown”). Of particular interest were the deep bass grooves. They were one of Christian music’s very few, true “post-punk” bands in the proper sense of the term.… Continued →
May 19, 2021
Song of the Day: Headnoise - Turn It Up
Headnoise was a band I found while thumbing through one of my friend’s CDs back in the early 2000s. They are most def a true hxc punk rawk band but with a twist, Edie Goodwin’s vocals. She can really belt out this genre of music & has been going since 1994. Think Crashdog, The Distillers, dreads, & mohawks. Life was different back then-Lol! You can find their stuff on Glenn Kaiser’s Grrr records as they were part of the Jesus People USA commune for some time.… Continued →
May 17, 2021
Song of the Day: Believable Picnic - Spaceman
The 90s were a great time for quirky fun Christian rock music. Believable Picnic is closely related to the Beatles-esque PFR aka Pray For Rain as the frontman was the older brother of PFRs frontman. The lyrics for this SOTD elude to the Biblical viewpoint that Christians are not of this world per John 17:14 & 18:36. Sadly, the band only followed up with one more LP.
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May 15, 2021
Song of the Day: Plain Jane - What Can Separate Us
This band is “Anything But Plain” as their debut released in 2003 & was a modern rock band fronted by a female singer who had a distinct way of singing her vocals with Guardian’s Tony Palacios helming the production. Their name comes from the idea that no one is a plain jane in God’s eyes. One can still find their old Myspace & Soundclick pages & other goodies from the band is The Door & Gravity.
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May 14, 2021
Song of the Day: Code of Ethics - Hold Me
Code of Ethics hit on the Christian music scene in 1991 with their brilliant debut Visual Paradox for R.E.X. Music (later re-issued on Forefront), having already released an independent cassette demo a year prior. The album was a synth-pop triumph, taking the best of techno-pop and alternative dance and fusing them into a singular whole that was as danceable as Information Society, but as catchy as Pet Shop Boys or Erasure.
I once had a chance to catch the band live, opening for The Prayer Chain.… Continued →
May 11, 2021
May 7, 2021
Song of the Day: Veil of Ashes - Without Eyes
Veil of Ashes was a college rock band from Oakland, California, who debuted with the critically-acclaimed album Pain on Graceland Records (an imprint of Frontline) in 1989. While they had started out as a post-punk outfit with goth leanings, most of that influence had faded by the time their debut hit. A second album The Young and the Reckless: The Regression of Veil of Ashes was released on Blonde Vinyl in 1992, but it was actually a retrospective release of earlier demos. That same year the band shortened their name to Veil and released their final studio album (before taking a long hiatus and re-forming in the late 90s) Mr.… Continued →
April 30, 2021
Song of the Day: The Bubblebaby Experience - The Big Blue
I’ve got a confession to make. I don’t know a lot about electronica. As much as I love genre-fying musical artists and trying to pinpoint them within their style or scene, I just can’t get my heard around the hundreds of subgenres of electronic dance music. I was never one for going to nightclubs (where the genres and all its cognates developed), and the scene is just too huge to know thoroughly without being immersed in it.
However, I do know what I like, and occasionally an artist or album comes along that just sounds good.… Continued →
April 27, 2021
April 23, 2021
Song of the Day: The Calicoes - Read
If you turn the Christian indie shaker upside down, not too many psychobilly bands fall out. One of the first and best was The Calicoes, from Texas. They released one fantastic EP called Rumble (the title a contextualized reference to the battle between good and evil), and a full-length named Custom Acceleration. For my money, the EP is the better release song for song. It’s more primitive and raw, which suits the style better in my view.
You can’t go wrong with any of those 6 songs, but check out track 5, “Read.”… Continued →
April 20, 2021
April 9, 2021
Song of the Day: Chasm - Unknown
In the mid- to late-90s when all of the other Christian hardcore bands were doing new school/chugga chugga style hardcore with increasingly metallic influences, Bakersfield’s Chasm were drawing on earlier inspiration. These influences came mostly from the 80s British hardcore punk/d-beat sound (Discharge, Conflict, etc.), although somewhat ironically this track has elements of early black metal in the guitar riffs (a la Venom or Bathory). Nonetheless it’s still filtered through a hardcore punk sound.
The band released one 7″ (Squander, Squander the Bright New Dawn) and one full-length (Gye Nyame, from whence our featured song is taken).… Continued →
April 6, 2021
April 2, 2021
Song of the Day: God - Revelation
Is it a bit pompous to call your band “God”? Maybe. But what’s particularly interesting about this band is we know nothing about them. Band members are completely anonymous. Is it even a band, or a solo project? Where are they from? No idea. Because the project is completely designed to “Challenge you to consider Him as well as your life & death through the power of music,” they figured the best way to do that was anonymously.
And you know what? I can respect that.… Continued →
April 1, 2021
Song of the Day: Five Iron Frenzy - Shut Up
Listen: Amazon Music | Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube
Shut up.
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March 29, 2021
Song of the Day: A Week Away Film, Awesome God Medley
So our family discovered this cute little Netflix film called “A Week Away”, which conveys a strong, hopeful message, and plenty of sing-a-long moments (think The Greatest Showman meets High School Musical meets Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist). The film takes cues from familiar Christian stories and uplifting films without getting too overly cheesy. Yes, it’s a family sing-a-long film but kids can stay connected to the story regardless of age(s) and find something meaningful to absorb. I found the film not only brings families together but can also be a great teaching tool for sharing Faith with those that are maybe seeking out greater meaning in this chaotic life we share.… Continued →
March 26, 2021
Song of the Day: Disturbulenced - EXpose(d)
While Gospel music to most probably represents tradition and preservation, there is also a strong undercurrent of experimentation and the avant garde. Among faith-filled artists are John Coltrane’s divinely-inspired free jazz, classical composers pushing the envelope of what music should be (Bach, for instance), heck even the first rock and roller (arguably) was essentially a Gospel singer/guitarist who just cranked things up a little louder. I mean, of course, Sister Rosetta Tharpe. Add to the list Orlando Greenhill.
Greenhill is probably most known for his upright bass playing in Havalina Rail Co.… Continued →