Tag: song of the day

February 7, 2024

Song of the Day: S.S Bountyhunter - I Hunt It Down

This band delved into a rare subgenre of heavier surf rock. The tollboth.org site has an interview with the band if you want to read all about the theory behinds the bands’ name. Also, vocalist John used to be in the old skool hxc band Clay. The live version if of their song The Arsenal which is their interesting take on the armor of God. Check this one of a kind band out.
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February 5, 2024

Song of the Day: HandsXFeet vs Man Ov God - Judas' Suicide Note vs Church in the Dark

There is really such a thing as a heavy trap subgenre. Artists which have elements include Autumnboy, Man Ov God aka Brook from Impending Doom, Bella Futuro (members of MewithoutYou & The Operation) and Arizona artist HandsXFeet. Check out these thought provoking lyrics from HandsXFeet. Oh my God What have I done what have I done Oh my God I killed Your son, killed Your son The devil he entered my body All of that money it got me Our time spent it meant nothing An army of demons surround me I betrayed who set me free It should be me up on that tree Weight’s too much, fall to my knees Kiss of death was on my breath Take it back, I don’t want it All this blood money is haunted I just let the devil taunt me Shut your ears to sins confessed Broke that bread, passed that cup Flesh torn apart, You gave that up No salvation, out of luck Innocence now laid to rest [MAN OV GOD:] Lost, can’t believe I forgot Lost, can’t believe I forgot All alone in my sin Betrayed the Son of Man Guillotine, that’s the plan Hanging from a tree Flesh, the heart of man Save me from my grave My soul is strong, but my flesh is weak
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February 2, 2024

Song of the Day: World Theatre - Water Spill

World Theatre released only one album, the brilliant eponymous full-length, for Frontline-imprint Graceland Records in 1989. But the band’s credentials are deeper than that might suggest. Founder Tim McAllister (vocals, guitar, bass, programming) had previously been in another one-album-only new wave band called Flock 14. Jim Abegg (AKA Jimmy A, from Vector and more recently The Ascendants) provided some guitar work. Gene Eugene (Adam Again, Lost Dogs, hundreds of production and studio credits) mixed the album. And piano and keyboards (along with some additional bass guitar work) were provided by none other than Cincinnati’s own Linford Detweiler (this was pre-Over the Rhine).… Continued →

January 31, 2024

Song of the Day: Fallen Walls - Psalm

Hailing from Leopoldshöhe, Germany, this rare melodic thrash band released 1 EP & 1 LP before disbanding. Their music is very hard to find so I uploaded most to Youtube for your listening pleasure. Instead of thinking thrashy Vengeance Rising, think of newer music that falls within part thrash/part metalcore & you will get a feeling of how this band sounds. The Spirit of Metal site still has them listed as active. but they haven’t released anything since 2005 from what I have found. Also their lyrics are definitely Christian as each of their songs comes directly from different parts of the Bible.… Continued →

January 29, 2024

January 27, 2024

January 26, 2024

Song of the Day: Endless Sacrifice - Endless Sacrifice

Endless Sacrifice is a brutal death metal band from Argentina. The project formed in 2009, and has only had one constant member–Diego Barrera on vocals, guitar and songwriting duties. Carlos from Antidemon has provided guest vocals occasionally as well. With only one constant member, the ‘band’ has more or less remained a studio project. Nonetheless, add Endless Sacrifice to the long list of quality, brutally heavy bands from South America. Their debut, Dominio Total was released in 2016 on two different Latin American independent labels: Bolivia’s Vampire Records and Mexico’s Warriors Records before finally seeing a U.S.… Continued →

January 24, 2024

Song of the Day: Hellfighter Worship vs Hillsong - Life of Fire vs From the Inside Out

So today is my birthday and I have been recollecting my life these past 46 years & how it relates to the music I have grown to enjoy. I originated from the quad cities in Illinois. I accepted Jesus into my heart at around 5 years old from a lady who ended up being a missionary to Europe. My earliest music memory was calling in for Farrell & Farrell’s People in a Box to be played on my birthday for a couple years on local CCM radio.… Continued →

January 22, 2024

Song of the Day: Archetype's Collide - My Own Device vs Fade Away (After Hours)

This crossover band’s sound totally reminds me of Wage War. I really like them as their vocalist is actually the creative director at his church. Check out these lyrics from another of their earlier songs. Follow this band as they are doing big things. I’ll shout Your name, for You alone are King. And I’ll sing Your praise, ’cause You reign in me. Though I stumble and stray from the path, You never cease to love me with open hands. Though I may falter, You never alter.… Continued →

January 20, 2024

Song of the Day: Fourth Estate - Poet's Lament vs Everdown - One Knuckle Shy

I have listened to many instrumentals over the years. There are not too many that land on radio. Prog’s Fourth Estate’s song here did back a long time ago If I can recall through the 7Ball Magazine’s charts. I still think Whitecross’s guitar solos are so talented. But, alas I wanted to share this band as their member Dave Beegle is still going strong all these years later. Check him out on Bandcamp. And Everdown’s track is just plain awesome!
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January 19, 2024

Song of the Day: Melk the G6-49 - The Instantaneous Mobilization of All The Resources In The BURROW and All The Forces of My Body...

Melk the G6-49 was a two-man noise rock/math rock band from Indianapolis, and spearheaded by Joyful Noise Recordings founder/owner Karl Hofstetter. The band was entirely instrumental, yet reflected biblical themes in its song titles and album titles. Their debut is based around the “writing on the wall” story from Daniel chapter 5. Having said that, it’s not clear the band’s (nor label’s) current take on faith, despite early recordings being inspired by and/or dedicated to it. The band was active in recording from 2001 – 2004 and then went quiet until releasing a 7″ in 2022, so here’s hoping that means the band will kick back up.… Continued →

January 17, 2024

Song of the Day: System Failure - Cry To Heaven

This “metal/hxc core” band hits hard. I first heard about them through a darn good comp called Battle of the Bands released by Rugged Records back in ’99. Appears they were from Nebraska & disbanded in 2003. They stood out from other bands as the bass guitar stands out & you can understand the vocalist mostly. Check em out.  I have also added live distorted footage from another great song of theirs called All Is Silent.
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January 15, 2024

Song of the Day: Arkport - Let Me Love

Female vocalist led Arkport released their only LP back in 2000. Most who have heard of them would know them from the 2nd Ronnie Martin’s (Joy Electric) label Plastiq Music 2nd compilation that featured great synthpop bands such as Norway or Fine China. Arkport isn’t really a synthpop band though. They create dreamy atmospheric pop music. This  SOTD was played on a really great online station ran by Dan Preston called Freerock1 whose site is still accessible. Enjoy & take a breather with this one. http://freerock1.faithweb.com/… Continued →

January 13, 2024

Song of the Day: Bottlerockit - See You in Space Tonight vs Duddle a Duh

This British band completely flew under my huge “Christian” music radar. I discovered them through a British website/radio station called CrossRhythms that basically houses tons of Christian artists bios. Anyways, the band reminds me of quirky music akin to Canada’s Hokus Pick or even Believable Picnic or Rhubarb. Great band names I know :). Anyways, the first SOTD was released as a single from their 2nd LP & the 2nd is the first song of their 1st LP. They released a 2nd LP before changing their name to Audiogene.… Continued →

January 10, 2024

January 8, 2024

Song of the Day: 39 Stripes - Incredible

This band from Florida released a few CDs over the years. A few of their songs were on CCM radio, but this SOTD has always my fave. Our God is incredible no doubt. Sometimes it does not feel like He would love us at our worst, but yet He does. Praise be to him forever & always. This is the type of worship song I wish was on CCM radio currently.  
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January 6, 2024

Song of the Day: Elder - Suddenly Religion vs Sugar Medicine

This band was pretty cool back in high school. One of those you like their sound or hate em. Here is a couple of their songs from 2 different albums they released under the Elder name. Instead of giving y’all tons of info on them-check their background here at this sire.  https://downthelinezine.com/cue/four_living_creatures  And, they totally are from this town I moved to recently I just found out!!!
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January 3, 2024

January 1, 2024

December 30, 2023

Song of the Day: DOC - To Da Dome vs Nimisilla Park - Outpour

So I have been listening to gospel hip hop for many years. I remember having this rap group Pullin’ No Punches as a kid. It sported the marvelous collab w/ Bride & the reworking of the God Gave Rock & Roll 2U song. DOC was an abbreviation for Disciples of Christ. There were several 90s hip hop artists that abbreviated their names such as ETW’s End Time Warriors, SFC’s Soldiers for Christ, PID’s Preachas in Disguise, CROW’s Constantly Right Overcomes Wrong, etc… Anyway’s fast forward to 2016 & w/a name change released Welcome to Nimisilla Park.… Continued →

December 29, 2023

Song of the Day: Unashamed - Never Ends

This band from Southern California was one of the first wave of bands who set the foundation for what was known as “Spirit-filled hardcore.” A wave which also included Focused, Strongarm, Six Feet Deep and a handful of others, many of which remained unsigned. The scene was characterized by ‘new school’ or ‘chugga chugga’ or metallic hardcore of the early to mid-90s, combined with lyrics that were bold and unapologetic about faith issues. The first time I heard Unashamed was actually a live show as they were the opening band at the first Tooth and Nail Weekend in 1994, a mini-fest at the Where-House in Bartlesville, OK featuring all Tooth and Nail bands (also on the bill were Focused, Chatterbox, Plankeye, Starflyer 59 and Wish for Eden who sadly had to cancel due to a broken down van).… Continued →

December 27, 2023

Song of the Day: The Bell Jar - Hurt People Hurt People

The Bell Jar is comprised of 3 friends, 2 of whom were in the original Showbread line up. You can definitely hear Showbread’s influence on TBJ’s sound. Josh Porter aka Josh Dies is a music genius imho. Check out his Church of Agony project as well & his site. This SOTD is a reminder that hurting people hurt people so try & be kind as Jesus would. https://www.joshuasporter.com/
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December 25, 2023

December 23, 2023

Song of the Day: The Psalters - Magnificat

Let’s mix it up with some Celtic folk punk music akin to The Crossing or a toned down Ballydowse. They are like Jesus People USA to a degree in that they are a Christian community. I ran into another community like their in Charlotte NC when I lived down there several years ago. Anyways, this pretty song is obviously worship & I love what vocalist Scott Krueger’s view that “our Christian walk is supposed to affect every aspect of our lives. So as artists, we want to have that shape our art.”… Continued →

December 22, 2023

Song of the Day: Viva Voce - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

My favorite Christmas songs tend to be the traditional carols. Sure, I love a good cheesy secular holiday tune every now and then (“Let it Snow” anyone?), but I find the deep theology of the carols to be particularly meaningful, and therefore apropos for the season. Having said that, there are also some wonderful contemporary renderings of the traditional tunes. Viva Voce was an indie rock band, centered on wife-husband duo Anita and Kevin Robinson. Originally from Alabama, they transplanted to Portland, OR somewhere along their musical (and geographical) journey.… Continued →

December 20, 2023

Song of the Day: Prone - King of Hypocrites

California’s nu metal band Prone released one 2006 EP. They also have a girl drummer which is different. Check em out & good luck with finding the full EP as I have tried to track it down for years. Also, here is a great site that I use & this link has a bunch of verses that deal with hypocrisy. My fave verse on the subject is 1 Peter 2:16. https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-hypocrisy/
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December 18, 2023

Song of the Day: Convicted - Outcry vs Hope For the Dying - Orison

Hope for the Dying is a symphonic metal band which had its roots in metalcore. They formed under the moniker Convicted in 2003 & released 3 EPs/demos until 2007 when they changed their name. Seriously, If you haven’t heard their stuff check em out.  I haven’t heard anything new since their awesome 2016 release Legacy so here’s to hoping they release new music at some point.
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December 16, 2023

December 15, 2023

Song of the Day: Over the Rhine - Etcetera Whatever

This band has been around since the 90s, maybe even the late 80s, making brilliant folk/pop/rock/blues/adult alternative/whatever type music. They’re the sort of band that other musicians love to love. The core of the band is husband-wife duo Linford Detweiler on piano and Karin Bergquist on vocals. The rest of the band has been a revolving cast, and in the half-dozen times I’ve seen them live, roughly half of those have featured just the pair. They’ve always danced around the edge of whatever “Christian music” means, always dropping hints about their faith, but simultaneously distancing themselves from the industrial machinations of the Christian music industry.… Continued →

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