Tag: Street Punk

October 29, 2024

September 5, 2024

REVIEW : Breakaway - Warrior

Breakaway is a one-man oi/punk band from south Texas. In fact, all guitars, bass, “beats” (does this mean a drum machine?) and vocals on Warrior are handled by David Burke. The EP is produced by Breakaway as well, which I assume means Burke again. While this is impressive in many ways, it can also be limiting. We’ll come back to that as a recurring theme on this EP. The tempos, for the most part, are fast and furious, and yet there is a rock and roll undertone to the sounds.… Continued →

July 14, 2024

Dispraised - Off My Back (New Single)

For those of you in a hardcore punk mood, check out the brand new single from the aggressive, gritty, and heavy sounding punk rock group known as Dispraised. The song is titled “Off My Back” and to learn more about the song and thoughts behind it, click over on the bandcamp link below.… Continued →

June 17, 2024

Lambs & Lions Bring Their Street Punk Oi! Sound to a Worldwide Audience

A brand new punk band “Lambs & Lions” with a heavy emphasis on Oi! and Street Punk, are taking the punk world by storm by unleashing their furious blend of passion, energy, and a strong spiritual connection through a biblical narrative. The group featuring a member of Living Fire (Luis Medeiros) and featuring a really great multicultural aspect with members from Croatia, the UK, and Brazil (now living in California). If you don’t know Lambs & Lions yet you certainly will in the near future.… Continued →

April 7, 2024

April 2, 2024

August 4, 2023

Song of the Day: The Combat Junkies - Fight or Die

This old-school punk rock band The Combat Junkies, hailed from North Carolina, and featured a classic hardcore punk sound mixed with hints of oi/streetpunk and new school punk. To be honest, I’m not sure why this band didn’t make it bigger than they did. Their raw yet appropriately produced sound would have appealed to fans of 7-10 Split, Squad Five-0, One-21 and the like, and yet they seemed to fly underneath the radar of most fans. The Combat Junkies released two full-length albums. The War Within came out in 2002 on Clumsy Records, and Fight or Die .Continued →

March 24, 2023

July 6, 2022

May 4, 2022

Song of the Day: The Festal Shout - Pounding Waves

The Festal Shout is a street punk band which reminds me of Flatfoot 56 or Hanover Saints. If you want to read a cool review see this article https://www.indievisionmusic.com/reviews/festal-shout-tumultuous-noise-ep/ . The bands name comes from Psalms 89: 14-18 ESV Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you. Blessed are the people who know the festal shout, who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face, who exult in your name all the day and in your righteousness are exalted. … Continued →

February 13, 2022

February 9, 2021

July 17, 2020

DSB Re-Release 2005 Punk Rock Release

DSB, a Southern California melodic hardcore, street punk band, are re-releasing their 2005 debut Scott Silletta (Plankeye, Fanmail, The Franchise) produced album to all digital networks. This was the first band that Ray Torres played in back in the day. Grab the album on Bandcamp right here or on Digital Networks. This raw, street level classic punk rock sound is sure to win fans over of the genre and give you something to get amped about.… Continued →

Song of the Day: Cross-Check - Open

I first heard of Cross-Check a few months ago through social media channels. Shortly thereafter, I was asked to review their mini-album Overwhelming Odds for Heaven’s Metal. What I found on that release equally excited and bewildered me. The band has a way of weaving some very interesting and somewhat disparate influences into their sound. While they clearly take as their foundation a traditionalist line of old school hardcore, they manage to weave such diverse sounds as street punk, post-punk, rockabilly, and occasionally even surf rock.… Continued →

June 2, 2020

May 14, 2020

February 16, 2019

February 4, 2019

May 4, 2018

REVIEW : 2Minute Minor - Blood On Our Front Stoop

Like a Chuck Norris roundhouse straight to the kisser, one might wonder, where the heck that ferocious beat down just came from. 2Minute Minor in similar fashion, lets loose a barrage of straight to your face, knock you on your butt hardcore punk tracks. From deep in the heart of Chicagoland, comes a band that doesn’t mess around. The passionate and fired up Wiley Willis takes us through a quick, yet rowdy 13 track blistering punk rock journey. He addresses many important social and moral issues and he also isn’t afraid to sing about his faith in God.… Continued →

January 1, 2018

October 3, 2017

Living Fire Release New Album "Every Saint Has a Past, Every Sinner Has a Future"

October 3, 2017. Santa Cruz, California, and Sao Paolo, Brazil. Thumper Punk Records is pleased to announce the release of “Every Saint Has a Past, Every Sinner Has a Future”, the latest full-length release from Brazil’s street punk preachers Living Fire! Featuring six songs in English and six in their native Portuguese, Living Fire delivers energetic street punk and Oi! driven by conviction, strength and praise. Living Fire seeks to transmit God’s word to places where it would not be received through conventional means. Saved people sharing their story of forgiveness and redemption through music.… Continued →

September 7, 2017

November 8, 2016

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