Tag: Strongarm

September 23, 2021

Further Seems Forever x Strongarm Collab?

This is just a rumor but word on the street is that a possible Strongarm reunion (either in song or set) is taking place at the end of Further Seems Forever’s performance at Furnace Fest this weekend. Don’t quote me but a special ending is planned so stick around, #thesecretsoftheheartmademanifest. Who would love to hear a little Strongarm for old time’s sake? They should totally live stream this as well as the entire fest for us losers stuck at home wishing they were at Furnace Fest.… Continued →

July 10, 2021

Unashamed and Strongarm Concert Footage from 1995

I dug this old VHS tape out of the deepest cavern of Pre-Indie Vision Music archives that I could search through. This old tape was converted to digital (Digitized) by a company called imemories out of Arizona. I love their services and they’ve done a tremendous job so far. Anyway, check out this really old concert footage of the bands Unashamed and Strongarm from 1995 at a Church in Capo Beach California (Dana Point) called “Capo Beach Calvary Chapel”. I was 17 years old at the time and holding my parents VHS camcorder.… Continued →

January 13, 2020

Furnace Fest 2020 Announces Stacked Line Up and Dream Event For an Entire Generation of Music Fans

The much loved Furnace Fest is BACK this year and bringing one heck of a STACKED lineup to please old and new fans alike. Check out some of the lineup on their website right here. The shows take place September 18th-20th in Birmingham, Alabama at the Sloss Furnaces. Something getting a massive share today is a Change.org petition to get Strongarm to reunite and plays this festival. Check out the petition here and sign your name. While I can’t personally attend this event, i’ll be there in my mind and dreams cheering it on.… Continued →

August 16, 2019

Lifelong Return With New Full Length

In what appears to be a complete surprise, the band LIFELONG are working on their new music. It appears to be that debut full length everyone has been patiently waiting for. Featuring former members of the band Confide, Lifelong took a decidedly more spiritual turn mixed with heavy melodic hardcore and pure passion meant to move people. If you’ve been hungry for the next generation of heavy spirit filled hardcore and fill the void left from the departure of Sleeping Giant, then Lifelong are perfect for you.… Continued →

September 10, 2017

The Best of 1997: Favorite Hits From 20 Years Ago

Yep, the list you’ve all been waiting for (not really) is finally here. Feel free to offer up some laughs and critical remarks for the music I listened to the most 20 years ago. You’ll notice a heavy T&N presence and I just couldn’t help myself. There were a lot of albums and releases I found myself spinning back then and still getting plays today. I think that’s where this list falls in place, it’s the albums that had the longest lasting impact with me and had a catchy sound that I just couldn’t get enough of.… Continued →

January 13, 2014

January 8, 2014

April 3, 2012

Strongarm - Trials

Today’s Video Flashback is from Strongarm for their song “Trials” off the “Atonement” album (1995 Tooth & Nail Records). This was the album that got me into the band the first time. I had the pleasure of seeing them perform on two different occasions with original vocalist back in the mid-90s and they were an explosive spirit-filled band. I loved these guys. This song/album features original vocalist Jason Berggren. Baggy pants for the win 😉… Continued →

July 11, 2011

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