Tag: Symphony In Peril

October 3, 2023

September 17, 2023

November 27, 2022

Symphony in Peril Return With "Authored Confusion"

“Heavy” is tossed around casually these days and often times in contradicting nature. When not used correctly in reference to music that will pummel the flesh right off your skull, you will need turn your head and stand in the corner shamed and alone. That sounds drastic, ouch! A band that has kind of been forgotten in the years following their break up called Symphony in Peril are back and better than ever, but make sure you insert “heavy” into the description. The song is titled “Authored Confusion” and can be streamed below and purchased on Bandcamp here.… Continued →

September 19, 2022

Symphony in Peril Announce New Song and Lineup

Symphony in Peril are indeed back as a band. They just got done playing a festival over the weekend and are about ready to release a brand new song, as yet untitled. The band have announced their lineup which can be seen in the instagram embed below. The picture attached to this post is their new one. Who is excited for more pummeling metalcore action from this group? You can follow the band at instagram here @symphonyinperilContinued →

August 6, 2022

May 3, 2012

INTERVIEW : Maranatha

I met Collin in California on November 22, 2003 at the Showcase Theater. He was playing in Shawn Jonas of Zao’s new band Symphony In Peril. We became fast friends, and I have followed Collin’s musical and design career ever since. When he posted the Band Camp link to his new solo project Maranatha, I was stoked to say the least. After hearing what Steven Cosand of Overcome did with Sanhedrin by himself. I knew Collin’s project had to be just as good, and was I right.… Continued →

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