Tag: the ember days

December 12, 2016

The Ember Days Release Valitus B-Sides

Exactly one year after releasing their album Valitus, The Ember Days have released two new b-sides. The songs were recorded at the same time as Valitus and can be purchased on iTunes or streamed on Spotify. The Ember Days is also clearing out all their remaining merch with everything priced at just $5 each plus shipping. The sale comes after the band’s announcement earlier this year of an indefinite hiatus from touring. Lead vocalist Janell has since released a self-titled solo EP under the name Nel.… Continued →

April 16, 2014

June 22, 2013

September 3, 2011

July 9, 2011

October 4, 2010

REVIEW : The Ember Days - Finger Painting EP

On this latest release these New Zealand worshippers sound like Explosions In The Sky infused with a bit of Jesus, complete with those constant, dripping, echoing guitar riffs and those soothing build-ups fueled by those rat-a-tat snare rhythms and lazy cymbal rolls.

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