Tag: Unteachers

April 28, 2019

25 years of Starflyer 59! (over a dozen contributors)

As you will no doubt have heard, the mighty Starflyer 59 have just released their 15th full-length studio album (not counting dozens of other releases–EPs, 7″ singles, limited edition vinyl, box sets, live albums, etc.) making them officially the most prolific Chrindie band who ever existed.  Their stellar debut album, officially untitled but affectionately known as “Silver,” also turns 25 years old this year.  You can read the IVM review of their latest “Young in My Head” here.  The 15th album/25-year anniversary seemed too grand an occasion to let pass, so .… Continued →

February 13, 2019

REVIEW : Stephen Mark Sarro - The Spirit Shrill

Most readers will know Stephen best as the founder/frontman for alternative metal acts Tantrum of the Muse and Unteachers. Where Tantrum and Unteachers ‘taught’ us how to rock out, solo Sarro efforts want to make us uncomfortable. Spirit Shrill is his second solo album, continuing to explore experimental and noise fields. This album is one 55-minute-long track, although there are distinct movements within the piece. Samples abound, and whereas SMS’s last solo album critiqued our culture’s fascination with sex, Spirit Shrill is an unapologetic critique of the Charismatic movement.… Continued →

July 10, 2017

November 3, 2016

UnTeachers: A Solo Project Once Again; Possible Tantrum of the Muse Reunion

The Sludge metal band, UnTeachers is down to just Stephen Sarro once again, for the first time since 2011. Sarro has had a reoccurring number of friends and musicians, including his cousin, Travis Turner, ex-Aletheian and host of the As The Story Grows, ex-Tantrum of the Muse Keyboardist Seth Luzier, and ex-Good Clean Fun drummer Thom Lambert. The most recent lineup was was Sarro, Turner and Bassist Josh Kale, until Sarro made a post. If anybody is wondering about the status/future of Unteachers… *THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK ON FORMER/CURRENT MUSICIAN FRIENDS.… Continued →

October 17, 2016

Doug Mann (R.E.X. Music) Featured on As The Story Grows

Doug Mann, the founder and original owner of R.E.X. Records, home to several Christian metal acts, including Living Sacrifice, Six Feet Deep, Believer and Circle of Dust, was featured on the As The Story Grows Podcast for a two part interview. R.E.X. Records was a label, pre-Tooth and Nail Records, that was home to several Christian bands. Certain bands, formerly on the label, have not spoken ill about Doug Mann, but have stated that it was a bad experience being on R.E.X. As The Story Grows is hosted by Travis Turner (ex-Aletheian, Solamors, UnTeachers), but for the first part of the Doug Mann interview, Living Sacrifice Vocalist/Guitarist Bruce Fitzhugh co-hosts.… Continued →

September 14, 2013

August 1, 2012

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